Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Layout Change

Tadaa! Here's my new layout. I hope you like it. To commemorate this great event, I have made a sitemeter to record the amount of people who access my page! (If you don't know, the sitemeter used for has to be remade as it is unreliable now; it records for my decoy blog, not this nice-looking blog right here. 'sides, I want a new start, and I might be able to beat Zhang Quan. Go me!)

Today, Mdm. Eu made us make advertisments, my group did the school tie. The other group did hair gel. In the end, they came up with an advertisment for Testi Hair Gel and we came up with an adversitment for the School Tie Toilet Paper. Good thing I wasn't in it, it's seriously real sad. During recess, Kevin Low (In the group I was in) and I came up with a hair gel advertisment, which was really quite funny.

"Ever had a bad hair day? Ever had too many close shaves? Ever came out of the shower thinking 'Darn, my hair's gone down'? Well, that always happens with normal hair gel and wax. But now, there's a new special hair gel on the markey that will guarantee your hair standing up after 240 hours at least! That's right; not 24 hours, but 240 hours at least!

Introducing... The... Concrete Hair Gel! *Oos and Aahs*

Made from 90% cement, this hair gel will guarantee your hair standing up even after water, shampoo, hair fuzzying, strong winds, and even acid rain! Yes, it's just that good! Now only at $29.99. That's right, just $29.99. *Cheering*

*You give us cold, hard cash, we give you cold, hard hair.*"

Mdm. Eu whacked her head in agony and lameness at the last statement, guess why.


Whee! I got my math test back! *Though it's not the big math test yet, but every small step counts; and these small steps could really save me should I do badly on the real test.*

Anyways, I got 17 1/2! That's better than Jarrel (Who got 17) and Gideon (Who got 13 or 14). But that's not the point. The point is that I got 17 1/2 upon 20, and that means a score of 87.5 over 100! That's not too bad, if you ask me.

There were, of course, people who beat me. Shaun, for example, got 20, the genius that he was.


Whee, my brother just found some random cartoon themes and goes on playing it every now and then. Now I can't get the tune for 'Animaniacs' out of my head (Not that I mind, it's nice and catchy), and I can't get the tune for lots of other songs out of my head. Examples: Thundercats, Batman 70s Theme, Hercules: The Legendary Adventures (No song, just background music and a narrator speaking), Spiderman 70s Theme, Chip & Dale, Darkwing Ducks, Mummies Alive, The Chipmunks, and one or two others I can't remember. Ooh, the zanity...

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Blog Reviews

Since I've been planning this for some time, but now I can post it, I will!

Note: Order of updatedness is as follows (descending order)
Usually Updated
Generally Updated
Occasionally Updated
Rarely Updated
Never Updated

Decent Blogs:

Eka's Blog (

This blog is real nice. Design, layout, everything's neato, except for the hate going on at the tagboard. Even has a cute guessing game :)

Usually Updated.

Gideon's Blog (

This blog is quite good. It follows the template, so that's a slight downside as it'll look like the blogs of others (Mine, for example.) Apart from that, I can't exactly pinpoint at any other problem there is, except maybe the lack of intelligence in his blogging. Also, no tagboard. Bad Gideon.

Generally Updated.

Zhang Quan's Blog (

Nice blog. It uses a template too, but at least he uses a different template from the rest of the GEPers. Tagboard, coherent speech, intelligent language, this blog is a decent blog. Just try and get Peter to cut out all those Dr.Ong talk, please?

Usually Updated.

Michael's Blog (

It's a livejournal blog, so that automatically brings the happiness guage down. No tagboard, no frames, just a bunch of text in the middle and links at the top. Bad Michael, use blogspot next time.

Generally Updated.

Shaun's Blog (

Nice javascripts, tagboard, visitor sitemeter, this blog's fine, except that it's pure white and I'm anti-PAP (nah, just joking. We all love Goh and Lee, right? *Brandishes sword*) .

Generally Updated.

Sheryl's Blog (

Nice blog, except that all the links and the tagboard are very hard to access as the scroll bar is invisible. Other than that, great blog!

Generally Updated.

Andy's Blog (

Amazingly nice. It's mostly a program, and that's real cool. However, it's been created only one or two days ago so I cannot judge anything else.

NA Because not updated yet

Jotham's Blog (

Whee! I love KH too. Tagboard, links, the usual. And javascript lets you see the time! Really nice at first, but the clock gets annoying after a while. Put it somewhere, not following you, Jotham.

Occasionally Updated.

Ellius' Blog (

Has a long history, tagboards, and links, but sadly, hasn't updated in a long time.

Rarely Updated.

Not-so-good blogs

Daniel's Blog (

Geez, all this has is a tagboard! This is bad!

Never Updated.

Brandon's Blog (

...this is even worse -_-"

Never Updated.

Comments? Unhappy with my comments? Post it here!

GE Open House

Haven't been blogging in some time, so I suppose I might as well record the stuff I did.

GE Open House: Boy, was that fun. Shaun and I were helping out in the Science area, and Shaun managed to skip BB (Earlier that day I passed my CPR test too :) ). Sadly, my bag was too full for my school uniform so I ended up walking around in my SJAB boots.


Shaun and I were teaching the P6 GEP Students how to make flubber/slime, while two Sec 2 GEP students were teaching them how to make blue bottles (Glucose Solution + Sodium Hydroxide + Methalyne Blue = Blue Bottle. Shake it ;) ). *Note: Blue Bottles and Slime only last for one day.* Every single batch of students were fun to deal with (Note DEAL WITH, not WORK WITH.), after the first batch of students they got progressively more evil. Luckily, there were only three batches of students. The last batch was the ACS(P) group, and Kin Ming was making fun of Bryan Tsui. It was real funny when everyone knew him and we all were laughing. After that, Kin Ming made Mitchel and someone I don't know bow to Shaun and I. o_O Scary O_o In the end, we all ate Chai Shao Kuey and we headed home at 6. Happy :)


Prefect: I was nominated for prefect! By who? Me, that's who! Of course, Mdm. Lim Chiou Yan had to agree and so did the class, but what the hey! Other prefect nominees are:
(1.12) Kevin Low, Isaac Lim, Joshua Rene, Henry Liu, Daniel Yee.
(1.13) Kevin Wong (!), David Crawshaw, Neville (Forgot surname) (!), Govind Krishnan (sp?)
(1.14) Michael Alexander, Trevor Soh, Marcus Ting.

They gave us a talk today, and our camp will be in the Sep. Holidays. I hope I do well; they have water sports included and I stink at it. ...oh well, all for PREFECTIONISM!


Mdm. Eu is reading us students' blogs; that's not good to know. The unedited word of the masses (or students) will be read by authority! Now because of that Shaun has a Mdm. Eu reply in his tagboard, and Eka's going to get scolded (In all honesty, serves him right.). Now everyone knows that Michael calls Sheryl 'Sheryl Darling'! Lolx. I just hope she doesn't get to mine, and if she does, she doesn't go about it in an aggressive manner, like she did to Eka.


Michael is declaring Shaun, Sheryl, Salima, and Yan Yi his true friends. I challenged his sureness, and, he's really sure those are his true friends. He's the only one, of course. No one else in 1.12, 1.13 or 1.14 trusts that so much (For your information, neither does MGS. NYGS has yet to be confirmed.).

Michael: Trust me, I wouldn't know a true friendship until I've experienced one, and I have. I am only telling you from the bottom of my heart that Sheryl and I are true friends, and you're not going to stop that.

Zhang Quan: Most of his 'true friends' are girls.

Shaun: We can only wait for him to grow up a bit.

Me: *sigh*

Ironic, isn't it, that no matter how hard Michael tries to make his point that him and Sheryl are true friends, no one ever will listen to him. Why? His ego, duh. *Surely Michael will flame me again, but that's my thoughts now, and that's all that matters. Michael, you may have proven that you sincerely believe that AS FAR AS YOU ARE CONCERNED, Sheryl and you are true friends. I concede to that. Now try and prove that for the other side, and prove that you're mature enough to know what you're talking about.

Prove it to Shaun.
Prove it to ZQ.
Prove it to me.
Prove it to Eka.
Prove it to Silas.
Prove it to Ian.
Prove it to Mdm. Eu.
Prove it to Michael Ong.
Prove it to Gideon.
Most importantly, prove it to Sheryl.

That's all I wish to say. Don't bother talking to me over MSN, I'll be blocking you for now. Be glad you won't need to be rash. Just remember these five words, Michael, before I block you.

"Actions Speak Louder Than Words."

Monday, August 09, 2004

AC Superstar / S'pore Idol Ep.1

Well, haven't blogged in a while, so might as well blog about the events that went on a few days ago.

AC Superstar: AC Superstar was, needless to say, rather interesting. I personally wanted Dinesh to win, but oh well. Turns out some guy with a sore throat beat a poser and a handsome-dude. Even better were the audition videos, but why'd they have to put me all the way at the end with that gigantic words "DARKER TONE?" It just sounds so...corny.
And Zhang was laughing so hard that Josh and I had to keep him from falling off the chair. Good thing the audience wasn't laughing that loud (A few were clapping, but that's still a minority.). What'd he say the next day? "If you continue to sing like that it'll seriously be the end for you." Meh, so what? My end comes after yours, so there. Then Michael SMSed Zhang saying "Vote for Herrick! XD" I feel so insulted. Why not both of them try and go for it? The only thing that'll come out of it will be a laugh from me.
Josh, Hen, Zhang and I were sitting in the front seats. That was so nice; we could hear everything nice and loud. Jun Yi was sitting next to Cleon, or so he says. That must've been painful. Michael was sitting next to Sheryl and some of her friends. Dude, if that's not flirting, I don't know what that is.
Poor Sheryl, having to cope with a nerd drooling all over you. Lesson no.1: Never go out with someone who's only an accquaintance for something like a concert. Lesson no.2: If you're forced to accept the invitation, never wear a skirt. The other person will just be compelled to ask you out more often. Lesson No.3: It's fine calling friends 'darling', but be cautious if accquaintances call you 'darling' too. That's for you, Sheryl.

S'pore Idol Ep.1: Dude, I didn't know that Singapore actually could have good singers! I was personally rather amazed at some. But this episode's greatest singer was definitely Gurmit Singh! (Can't wait for the next episode, Banana Man! Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring, Banana Phone...)

So far, the only people who've ever come around were Sheryl and Zhang. Maybe I should ask them to link to me sometime. Hey, that's for you two if you ever come around anymore ;)

Thursday, August 05, 2004

5-Day Holiday.

Well, I suppose I should be celebrating. Yay (Now at least I've more time to catch up with work and my Providence Gundam Model (darn gwin bugging me to finish it).

Journey to Jap today was interesting. Me, Mike, Juzzie, and Gid were singing some random Weird Al songs, and ZQ was talking about us not singing normal songs. Gee, what's wrong with Yoda (e song, not e person) anyway? After that, Mike decided to go and make me sing while Sheryl was on the phone, so she'd hear it. What happened? Gid ended up acting like a sissy and made us laugh. During Jap, Mike nearly slept, ZQ nearly slept, and I nearly slept too. Is this a chain coming up? Gee o_O

Mdm. Eu is rather interesting. Why does she refuse to let me worry over it? Am I really overworrying? Is it really not my responsibility? *sigh* Maybe because in her eyes, I'm just a kid; still immature. Aren't I mature enoguh?...maybe not. Oh well. I still need to ask her one more thing.

- The world is not beautiful; And that, in a way, lends it a sort of beauty. - Kino's Journey

Monday, August 02, 2004

First Post
