Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Life, the Universe, and Everthing All Over Again

My mind is not working properly. I forgot to return the key last Friday. I make sure I don't forget, and I return it. The next day I forget to return the key. I forget to make sure I don't forget, and I forget to return it. >_>

My forget-to-return-the-key count has jumped in one week from 4 to 7. Ohz nohz, at this rate I'm really going to lose the bet to Gid, Jarrel and a number of other people! BUT I WILL NOT FALL EASILY I WILL NOT HIT 15 FORGETTINGS (or however you wish to phrase it) . >_>

Funny how I'm probably going to forget to return the key again isn't it >_>



Me: Hey Michael, did we win or not? (Rugby finals)
Mong: i didnt attend
i left before the hting ended
Me: were we winning or not >_> or was it too close to tell
Mong: too close to tell at that point in time
Me: Hmm. wait, what was the score?
Mong: 0-0
i left just as the thing started


Boey Yang thinks I hate him or something. Funny how that works. o_O


Yotsubato is ULTIMATE. I must get it quickly.


Things I have learnt:

1. Humankind is extremely vain and incapable of standing up for themselves.
2. Making fun of a person is tantamount to not treating him like a human.
3. People out there actually appreciate my going to the estate office to return the key. I didn't think this possible before. o_O
4. Carpe Diem. Ironic how this jars with my personality.


My sickness is pretty bad. I don't know why, but I'm just not thinking properly. Forgotten the key twice, reaction lagging, difficulty walking, stupid phlegm (Thx JY for pointing out teh typo, argh what's happenin to me =\) and mucus, and unable to do what I usually do: Be teh genki. Been talking to a few people, though, and well, I've learnt something from KW and Klow. Whatever it is, meh, that's irrelevent.

When people are incapable of being themselves that's when they think, isn't it. I feel absolutely helpless in this condition, honestly. I guess, I angst too, just differently from other people. =\

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