Friday, March 14, 2008

Caught Up

"O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,"


Been so caught up in things that it's hard to say how I'm faring. I know worse and I know better is likely all that I can say. How vague. ._.

Camp planning has no doubt taken a toll on me (And to think that the Senior EXCO do so much more work - a certain kind of respect that somehow isn't 'I wish I could be like him' comes to mind) yet I find that I have gained something from all of this thus far.

No doubt there're those who go around saying that it's all been a waste of time, and I can't completely (or even halfheartedly) disagree with them, but there are lessons to be learned in any unknown situation and it's up to you to make use of them or not.

Kendo applications on Sun. I hope I get in o_O

The Singapore Flyer has been accused of being a boring ride to some. Isn't it the company you bring onto it that counts? A lone man at Disneyland gets a lone man's experience at Disneyland. (Damn you Klow if you dare make comments)

Still, I can't find words to describe the experience. Ah well.

Reunions are great things. The naturalness of it all is something very unseen with other gatherings.

Some kids really do say the darndest things.

"Ok, we must walk slowly and hold hands because taking the MRT is dangerouOHMYGOD ONE MINUTE TO THE TRAIN ARRIVAL RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN"

Unfortunately many events have left me with too little words. I still have a share of work to do too. ._.

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