Sunday, September 09, 2007

The Woes of Bearing a Public Blog

Up till now, I never really noticed the issue of having a public blog (Public in that it doesn't have passwords and the like). When I first started out my blog was pretty much a chronicle of my activities and thoughts, and lately one of my stories (conversations really).

It's nice having -generally- random people come over and comment, and it was somewhat of a surprise when clearly random people just came over and said something (anoel as one haha).

It's nice knowing that you can actually mean something with this blog, knowing that you can help someone with it, give someone ideas with it, make someone's day with it, or at the very least entertain him or her for 5 minutes with it.

Yet there's those times when two letters left out of a long blog post can send someone into annoyance. Words break people just as easily as they make them, and if you're too careless you end up being too nice to people by accident and hurt them unnecessarily. Same goes to blogs, isn't it?

Devotion during chapel today was about the powers of the tongue; the powers of words alone. Honestly, the number of weird things that happened to me after I wrote that post on SJAB deserves a blog post of its own but I think I can cut that, haha. Any single thing I write over here in relation to something has to be so carefully written so as not to accidentally offend others (Purposely is another matter) and apparently I still end up doing so. Woe.

Then there're the times where I don't write something about others. I write something about myself, something personal. I mean yeah, it's a public blog, but still it's not like this corner of the internet is going to get invaded by those who seek epic lulz or whatnot, right?

Gosh I swear when some people who don't even know me that well read my blog and talk to me like they know me very well it is the most pissing feeling ever.

It's one thing to read a person's blog and think 'wow, I never knew this side to him' or 'well I never thought of him this way'. It's fine not to bring it up to the person since it might be something personal even if he posted it on his blog. Maybe he didn't mean it for your eyes and it was pretty much coincidence.

It's one thing to read a person's blog and talk to the person about said blogpost while referring to yourself because well honestly some people don't want to hear others talking to them about themselves, especially what of what they've written. Maybe you can relate to him or something, but please make sure you're actually on good terms with the person because few like to talk to dislikable people, let alone know that their blogs are being read by said dislikable person.

And honestly it's darn pissing when you read a person's blog, come to your own conclusion about said person despite knowing full well you probably don't know him that well because you didn't know anything in his 'personal blogpost' and you shove your conclusion in his face thinking that you know the person oh-so-well. I swear it's pissing when that happens. No, you don't. Simple as that.

Yet at the same time I rather not go around placing passwords anywhere because how much good can those possibly do? I don't like the look of boxes for inputting passwords on my blog either XD. But do think about it. If you want to put passwords on a public blog then how're you going to go about blogposts that only certain people (even among those who know the password) should read? It ends up getting more and more unnecessarily complex. It's really much simpler to go with the hopeful assumption that people actually know when they're uninvited and just keep quiet, but of course that never works. Shame, eh.

Haiz. It's nice to hear something definitely, but noise is >_>.

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