Friday, June 15, 2007

Hamamatsu Dreaming

Returning from Japan has been a rather tear-eyed event in all, but unfortunately I'm once again one of the only two out of the 10 Chuubu Chuugakkou who didn't cry during the rather dramatic leaving. I swear this can't be remotely good for my health, but nevermind. People do things that are bad for their health all the time.

It's honestly quite hard to write about a trip like this simply because there are too many things that are better left unsaid, or perhaps too many things that can't be put into words. Dreams never were easy things to remember.

But then again, even if dreams aren't things that one can remember the details of, I'm sure the 20 of us can remember the common experiences of hamamatsu dreaming. The twenty of us dreamers, walking in our disneyland, with sweeping memories yet everlasting experiences.

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