Saturday, June 04, 2005


Sometimes, I feel rather annoyed at the trend of the teeniegoth.

1. They usually have a crush, but all are too scared to admit it, let alone tell it to the girl.
2. They always get depressed for some reason or another.
3. They try to be as hip as possible by getting things like mp3 players, colour handphones, branded clothes like Billabong or Quiksilver, and get depressed if one single component of the whole set is not present.
4. They like to slit their wrists. (Ok, this one's just a joke. Get the pun though? No.4 >_>)
5. They write teeniegoth teenieangst. It's the most painful thing to read. Evar. Ok, that's plain bias. Some of them are actually pretty well done.
6. They obcess with perfection. No perfection = angst.
7. Any problem they face = angst.
8. Anyone dislike them = angst.

Now we see a trend over here, now, don't we.

One example in real life I can see? Daniel. Seriously. Jun Yi too. Zhang is as well but that's only 1/2 the time.

Daniel and Zhang I say because they're always near the fricking top and they complain because they aren't top. Can't they just learn to be like Shaun and be content with their position if it's high? Not everyone is a genius at everything like you guys! Now stop competing with each other, it makes the mid-end feel worse.

Daniel has a crush. Everyone knows it, except the crush herself. Daniel refuses to say it. I want to smack him in the head, not because he's stupid, but because he'll regret that decision. I shan't further explain this. There are a few people on this blog whom I'd rather not talk about this to.

Daniel gets a colour handphone after whining about not having one. Now he whines about not having an mp3 player. Geez, all I have is a handphone, and its 'newest feature' is ringtones, dangit! My mom has an iPod mini (got as a present, most likely giving away again), my dad has colour handphones, my bro has a jukebox, I have a 3330 handphone. Do I complain?

Maybe I don't have his problems of people absolutely hating him, but I don't see why the heck he should get so upset over it! It's just quite stupid in reality.

*sigh* I can't believe Daniel got tops for Eng and he didn't learn a single life lesson out of that.

(If this sounds seriously unlike me, you don't know me too well, then. >_>)

*Sorry, it actually does sound a tad unlike me to flame someone like that. But I seriously feel I have a reason to, so I did. Sue me. >_>*

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