Thursday, May 19, 2005

Random Piece of Writing

Just a prose I made 2 days ago. Yes, you can laugh at it for being bad, because it is.


Sorry for the awkwardness of the prose. I changed the main theme of the prose 1/2way (Something no one should do) and hence the weird change midway. >_> I'm too lazy to change it anyway so here it is.


A raindrop fell, quick and sudden, on my streaks of hair. Looking up, the skies slowly turn grey. Blue, slowly turning grey. Looking around, I see a few students running off into the school compounds. Why evade the inevitable? Besides, it's not as if they didn't have umbrellas. I continue to look around; some students from the field are complaining about the rain. Unappreciative folk. I took out my umbrella.

The sky continues to turn grey. And slowly does the rain fall upon the land.

I look at life around me: These trees, this grass, these flowers. I recognized one of them to be the iris. Irises thrived in the rain, last time I remembered. I suppose I was the only one who knew anything about such the unrecognized flower.

The irises stayed blooming while all the nearby flowers kneeled down before its glory. None gave disrespect to this flower, not even the most beautiful of roses. I take the rose and look at it. The petals slightly droop now, and one could tell its thorns' presence in the flower just by seeing. The once-magnificent plant was now dethroned, and that soon it will fade away into nothingness. Its hopes, dreams, beauty, all destroyed in the rain of despair. And I dropped the slain rose upon the grass, finding a good burial spot for this flower. However, none could be found, and the rose was thrown to the side of the road. The grass, they drown in hopelessness, and soon die out as well.

I suppose, it is indeed not the beautiful rose nor the abundant grass, but rather the unrecognized iris that thrives in the rain of despair.


Please post your idea of the symbolism behind this just so I can tell whether I did a decent job or not. >_>

While you're at it, flame or critique me. >_>

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