Saturday, September 02, 2006

In recognition

Kodomo: Sensei, taking a walk? How coincidential, I didn't know you lived nearby. Do you do this often?

Sensei: In the past, maybe. I haven't done this for a long time.

Kodomo: Well, you have been lately particularly busy with the school's yearly drama play, being a new teacher and all. But seriously, it was the best I've ever seen! You seriously outdid yourself. It's no wonder you just suddenly took over the drama club as the one in charge with your talent. Now that it's all over, it really is the best Teacher's day gift you could ever have. Do you plan to head another play in the future?

Sensei: Child, I doubt I'd be planning to do another one anytime soon. Besides, I wasn't the one who decided to do the play, it was the school that passed it onto me, haha.

Kodomo: But nonetheless, it was great! I can't think of any other better Teacher's Day present than to get all that applause from a successful play! ...sensei, why're you crying? Did I say something wrong?

Sensei: ...oh, it's just the wind. Something got into my eye.

Kodomo: Well, then, sir, shouldn't you be, like, celebrating with your friends and family? ...sensei, are you well? You don't seem too well, y'know. Maybe you shouldn't be drinking too much beer when you walk around.

Sensei: Perhaps I really am not well. Child, may I ask you something?

Kodomo: Yes?

Sensei: You've managed to top one or two of a teacher's tests, right? Any teacher will do.

Kodomo: Well, sure! I'm usually the top boy for Literature.

Sensei: Well, then, how much effort did you put into getting to be the top boy every time?

Kodomo: Quite a bit, a few personal sacrifices such as compromising playing time had to be made.

Sensei: Yes, personal sacrifices for a small test. How much do you think I've put into this school play to make it so successful?

Kodomo: I'm sorry, but I don't know, sensei.

Sensei: Then let me tell you. I am this way as a result of placing too much hard work into the school play, something forced upon to me by the school. After all, a good school can't have mediocre things, can they? Just as you made your sacrifices, I made mine. Because of this play, I have lost much time with friends and family. I became unsociable. I stopped going out so much after school. I stopped chilling out at the club and all that.

Kodomo: ...I'm sorry to hear that, sensei. But you have time now, don't you? Why not make up for lost time?

Sensei: Sometimes, child, certain things aren't reversible. Instead of celebrating with my friends and family, I am here drinking beer and walking around by myself. I certainly do need to rekindle the lost links, but for now I must drown my sorrows. It is disheartening.

Kodomo: ...sorry to hear that again, sensei. It must be hard on you. But may I ask something?

Sensei: It is the job of a teacher to teach, child. What is it?

Kodomo: Why is it that despite such difficulties, you can still smile so much in school, sir? I am too young to understand.

Sensei: Haha, simple. Simply because I love teaching, child. The moment one enters class is always an enjoyable one. I like classes just like yours.

Kodomo: Yet you hide such sadness from the students to see. It must be a hard life.

Sensei: Well, we all have our hard times, don't we? We just have to learn and move on. Now excuse me while I throw my beer.


Oh, the tragedy behind beauty.

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