Saturday, October 01, 2005

I am that Boy

*Wanted to do this after seeing Packrat's (And his wife's) blog, but decided not to. Now ZQ and Mike've done it too, oh well >_>*

I am that boy who grew up in a screwed up way, and now you see him like this.

I am that boy whose feelings have turned into states, and into separate personalities.

I am that boy who persued his crush for 4 years, before giving up.

I am that boy who wrote a story to give the 'me' in my story a better life than myself, and lost all his writing to his com who's in Junkyardland. >_> The later 4-6k words at least.

I am that boy who has names for his personalities but doesn't know which is which.

I am that boy who used to fight everyday, until he no longer felt anything from fighting.

I am that boy who despises depression from competition, and never feels sad over losing.

I am that boy who will protect his best friends with his life if he had to, and also that boy who hopes his best friends know they are his best friends.

I am that boy who will never be able to let go of the past, and given his past side of himself a different name.

I am that boy who is always mistaken as depressed when he was thinking and as thinking when he was depressed.

I am that boy who has always been comforted when he didn't need it and never comforted when he needed it.

I am that boy who is both a loner, a tribes-person and a crowds-person, but cannot decide among the three.

I am that boy who treasures his friends, his comrades, and his siblings. In what order, he doesn't know.

I am that boy who would rather just see you happy without himself in the picture than see himself in the picture and compromise his friend's happiness.

I am that boy who is either mature or immature to someone, but never inbetween.

I am that boy who would spend one good day with each of his best friends than a year with everyone else.

I am that boy who dislikes the hip movement yet conforms to it somewhat as well.

I am that boy with an interest in something no one else bothers with, and a degree in it would get him nothing but respect while working in the $1.99 store.

I am that boy who places faith in all of his friends, and places loyalty in them too, and is thankful that it has been returned to him.

I am that boy who has immense trust in his friends, but constantly questions his friendships and is somewhat betrayed by his idealism in friendship.

I am that boy who is both immensely cynical and skeptical, yet also immensely optimistic about life.

I am that boy who wishes for many things to happen yet lacks the strength to make it happen.

I am that boy who always wishes to be loved by a special someone, but will never find who that someone is for a long time.

I am that boy who wishes to be himself, and will reject whoever refuses to let me be myself.

I am that boy who finds himself incapable of showing his true emotions, and regrets it.

I am that boy who never gets the chance to correct the mistakes he's done.

I am that boy who will never let go of his guilty conscience.

I am that boy who worries in paranoia about tomorrow, but doesn't do anything in the hopes that everything will work out.

I am that boy who knows exactly what he's good at and what he's not, but not that boy who knows that this will stay the same.

I am that boy who loves action and fun but secretly wishes for nothing but peace.

I am that boy who few understand because few get the chance to understand him.

I am that boy who talks about reality yet is obcessed with fantasy and escapism.

I am that boy who never shows when he needs friends, and almost never has them around when he needs them.

Who is that boy? Is it me? I know not. Perhaps it is, perhaps it is not.

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