Sunday, July 31, 2005

Events come in threes.

Anyone wondered why I took so long to blog? Well, that's because I had three events to blog about and I wanted to wait until all three had passed before I blog, so I wouldn't have to blog about each of them once.

History Drama:

Hmm, rather interesting. Each and every one of the teams did rather well (Except for not-so-good ol' Yishun Secondary. Dunman's wasn't too good either. The other three were really nice. Nanyang Girl's High and Chinese High especially. Maybe we should try next year, XD.

I won't say that it gave me new insights into History and new pespercitves and whatnot, but I did indeed learn a bit of trivia stuff (I bet almost everyone did.). What trivia? That Adnan Bin Saidi was a teacher and his wife was called Sophia. >_>

The ones sitting next to be were Darrell and Kevin Wong. Darrell was sleeping 1/2 of the time. Kevin was acting cutesy. >_>

Yes, I mean cutesy. Except the part where he starts talking about Boey Yang. Whom, btw, was sitting next to ZQ at the right end of our row (I was somewhere in the middle. S1s took the left.)

When I looked up, there was some kinda fancy lighting. It looked like stars. It was really nice and beautiful (Refraining from saying "Pretty!" Melissa style. >_>).

Me: Hey Kev, look up.
Kev *Looks up*: Oh, look! How pretty! It looks so nice...
Me: ... >_>

And yes, I was teasing Kevin throughout once again. Especially about him trying to know more about Jun Yi. Why? Because he wants to know how Jun Yi's mom treats him and I won't tell him because I don't think he needs to know. And I was talking about teh saviour complexehz. Anyway, back to the Starry Starry Lights (Haha lame pun >_>)

Me (>_>): *mumbling*
Kev (?): What?
Me (>_>): Nothing. (expected >_>)
Kev (>_<): What? I know you said something. Comeon!
Me (...): I said, that I have to sit here under a starry ceiling with a guy who acts like a girl. How romantic except for the last part.
Kev (...): ...
Me (>_>): >_>

Gid: *receives sms*
Kev: *Tries to look at what it's about* *Oh, it's about Boey* ...
Me: ? *Tries to look, fails >_>*

x5 throughout session.

Kev: *Talking about Boey >_>*
Me: >_>

(In reference to Yuan Ching Secondary School's play. Check ZQ's blog)
Kev: Awwwwwwwww! The story was SOOOOOOOOOOO sweeeeeeeet! Don't you think they should win, Herrick?
Me: >_>

Dialogue during/after break:

(ZQ switches place with Darrell)

Kev (>_<): See? No one wants to tell me anything!
ZQ: That's because no one takes Kevin seriously >_>
Me: Yeah >_>
Kev (>_Me (>_>): That's because you're too innocent.
Kev: >_
Kev: Herrick keeps saying I have this saviour complex.
ZQ: Well, I don't deal in psychology >_>
Me: >_>
ZQ: Well, I guess Herrick has a saviour complex too.
Kev: Hah! See? You have a saviour complex as well!
Me: ...>_>
ZQ: ...I don't think that's how it's supposed to work...

Kev: Awwwwwwwww! But the story was SOOOOOOOOOOO sweeeeeeeet! Don't you think they should have won?
Me: >_>

Gid, ZQ, Darrell and I: MRS JUNE NG! WE LOVE YOU!
Mdm. June Ng (She was emcee): >_>
Mike, JY, etc: o_O
Perry Lam: XD (Yes, he was.)

Why I talked purely about teh dialogue and not about the drama? Because the drama wasn't that interesting. >_> And yes, Kevin Wong makes my day because he's such the interesting fella. XD


Drama Night:

Umm... >_>

Michael says that it's Kevin Low humour, but I kinda disagree. This is bad humour AND puns, with quite big distinguishing between the two. There's some inner OM jokes (Bhangrah is like screwing a lightbulb in one hand, and petting a dog with the other. RIPOFF'D >_>). Kevin's humour would be more focused on puns, while mine would be more on the bad humour part. If we combined it together we might get something like this.

Anyway, the humour was pretty bad. The puns were bad, and many of the things one could see, but nonetheless did alot of psychological damage anyways. >_<

But some of the other stuff were pretty funny too.

Then the SONGS. Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh were they bad. >_<

But all in all, my bro thought it was pretty ok. But he's not going to any more school plays because he's scared now. He's been to 3 school plays and all were bad, including ours. But then our's is better because it's intentionally bad. >_>

Well, no comment. >_>



Ok, I went for a buffet. *Which one? Check Oct 28.*

This time? With Bro, Sis, Mom, Dad, and Xue Ying (Otherwise known as my Broinlaw. It's not that hard to guess what that is right? Anyway, for anyone who DIDN'T get it *I am disappointed in you btw*, it's Bro-in-law. >_>)

Ate 6 plates and 1 desert plate before I went full. Bro ate that much too. Xue Ying ate ALOT. He's SCARY. I mean it. And his stomach is intimidating. I think my head could fit in it. >_> He's an adult-Gid dangit!

Anyway, not much to comment on apart from that. It was a somewhat enjoyable experience. Btw, this was for my birthday.


Got new shoes! Nike! Now I'll be better when running, slightly. XD



Tomorrow. >_>

And what's my presents? 3 tests. >_>

Sunday, July 24, 2005


Has anyone here ever went to Waffletown before? I bet Gid has. For anyone who hasn't, find one and go there and eat their waffles. Trust me, it's something you won't want to miss.

I went back to Waffletown after so many years. Who knows? Maybe it's 5 years, or even seven. But what I remember, I was pretty young then. Just Mom and I, in a lonely corner of Bukit Timah Plaza, eating our ice-cream waffles. How long ago that was. And I still remember the name of Waffletown.

A year or so after I ate there, the Waffletown at Bukit Timah Plaza closed down. It was moved to that building opposite ACS(P). I always wanted to go there sometime but never did. Well, 5 to 7 years later, I finally stepped foot in it again.

All those memories, the quiet background, the serene setting, the melody of silence, just like those many years ago.

Except, this time I was with my brother, and it was nighttime.

Just as great an experience it was.

Oh, how long it has been since I ever ate a waffle from good ol' Waffletown. (I didn't know that Waffletown sold chicken wings and spaghetti too, nor that it was counted as fast food, but what the hey.). I had a Waffle A-la Mode (A waffle with ice cream of your choice, cream, and a fruit of your choice.

I picked blueberry since blackberry was out. Gwin and I both took Raspberry. Ah, how long it has been since I heard that word. That flavour of ice-cream I used to love so much, and yet it just slowly faded out of my mind, until today again.

How long it has been since I ever ate a waffle.
How long it has been since I ever ate raspberry.
How long it has been since I ever had a chocolate milkshake.
How long it has been since I ever had silent time to spend with my bro outside our house.

How long will it be before this happens again? I wonder.


This morning our teen's choir sang for the church. Was the first song since our original conductor (Who taught us much, btw) left and went to a different church.

It's this funny feeling, y'know. Last time I was in the children's choir, we always got applause after we sang. Always the people would say that we did very well, even better than the adult's choir. Sometimes some would even cry.

Then I left the children's choir, and we never got applause for our singing. For two straight years. Except for combined choirs. And that was sometimes. A year after I joined the teen's choir I found out that now the children's choir didn't get applause either now.

Anyone ever had the experience of singing your heart out, doing your best, and get applauded with pure silence? The feeling is nothing short of devastating.

Two years later, I learnt about discipline in singing. I learnt that you must be very very very sure of the song in all aspects. I learnt things like the proper sitting position, and the proper standing position.

And though we never got applause, we knew that the effort taken was immense. Before our conductor left, he told us that he was proud of us. During combined choir singings, when he saw the choir, we were the only people that were standing correctly, sitting correctly. Singing was a different matter; everyone did well.

After our conductor left, the new conductor? She was the nicer of the two conductors that took us in the children's choir (The two were married. One was Auntie Mary and one was Uncle Peter. Uncle Peter is very scary and fierce.).

Along with her she brought a batch of people from the children's choir. The old ones, of course.

Original choir: 5 guys, 8 girls.
New choir: 6 guys, 15 girls.

And the guy doesn't sing much either. >_<

But that meant that we could sing louder because last time we had to be very concerned about how loud the guys could sing without overpowering the girls.

She picked an easy song, so I memorized it before the 2nd lesson >_> My bro was Male solo for the first part.

Day before actual performance we went to church on Saturday to practise in the church without distractions. Auntie Mary said we did really good. The conductor of the adult's choir said that too, but she said she couldn't hear the words properly.

Lol, doesn't that sound like those sort of really emotional blues songs, where there's so much emotion you can't make out the words? Idea from Whose Line.

Before we left, Sam told us one thing: Lose yourself in the song. (Exactly the opposite words of our old conductor, lol. I told him that, and his reply was that last time we weren't so sure of the song, so.) Sing for God, just sing. I remembered that.

Next day, we came here. I came ultra-early because my bro was Male Solo hence needed extra pre-practise.

Then the performance. Nothing short of good IMO. But then, here was the best part. The audience applauded. After two years. Finally. I suppose you readers won't understand this feeling; it's quite like the high Kevin gets after OM (Except Kevin's feelings somehow manage to exaggerate themselves quite a fair bit. That's why he gets a high on nearly everything. And I really mean nearly everything.). The feeling of triumph. It's something only performers know. Performers that don't always get applauded at. =)

Looking at it now, why did they? I suppose we've finally struck a chord in their hearts. When we sing with more than our voices, it strikes a chord in their heart, I guess. And hopefully it strikes a chord in someone up there. =)


After that we went for normal Sunday School lessons, then we met together again. Not for choir, but for an outing. At Plaza Sing (Really nearby, y'knowwhatImean.). Ate Pizza Hut, then went to? As we all know, the arcade.

Lol, I'm the best DDRer in the choir. Then again, not surprising, is it? But it's nice to know that there's two other people who play it, one being a guy too. Then again, they're a couple, so XD

The girl among the two plays Para Para too. Didn't manage to try myself, but daeng she was good. She was playing HARD, dangit! But I think I can handle that XD Some of those songs anyway. >_>

Left happy, and stuffs.


Life: Happy generally. Thanks to a few convos with friends of mine. I guess they know whom. =)

Homework: Haha, still as lagging as ever. Sorry Jarrel =P

CAP: After a long time of stagnance, I've got a few new ideas. Two, actually. The third is from my bro, I just picked it up anyway since it was good. Don't tell him though >_>

Stepmania: Same old, same old. Not much improvement, but I CAN PASS THE A LA MENTHE CHALLENGE! But that was some time ago so that's not the point >_> I can A A (Toph's) too now =) Along with a few other new A's, namely Doku, Shind Bad, Otaku Speedvibe. Maybe a few more, but I've forgotten.

Guilty Gear: After exams, I WILL TRAIN! HARD! MY KY MUST BEAT BRYAN'S CHARACTERS! (I refuse to be the lowest in the GG Community XD)

Philosophy: Hmm. Tricky. >_> Okokok. It's stagnant.

Hopes: Well, dunno. I'm more optimistic than usual, is that ok? XD

Sentimentality: Immense, due to the first two incidents. >_>

Well, that's the blog for today!

Thursday, July 21, 2005


I'm going to continue a little bit more on my thoughts on people. >_>

Godwin: Yes, the one I so affectionately call Gwin. >_> Ok, take out the affectionately part. I'm think of what Ms. Loh told me about her favourite sibling, and I kinda agree with her. When you sleep in the same room as your sibling, play the same games, live together for so long, especially the first two, it really makes a true difference. No wonder she likes her youngest sister that much.

Thinking about it, he's the closest person I could ever call a true friend in real life. I don't need to tell him my problems for him to know. I didn't tell him about my addiction and he knew. *Then again, he's my brother. >_>* He's taught me so much about the world, and influenced my thoughts far more than anyone in my entire life has. *Yes, blame him for my humour, but blame Zhang for my randomness. And yes, he caused my liking in martial arts, but not philosophy. =P* I guess it's quite true when choirmates comment that the two of us are really alike (Compared to Marcus and Sam, lol)

I'm really going to miss him when he leaves for NS. It's not something that I've experienced before. I hope those two years end quickly. But then I fear that he'll leave again when he reaches university. *sigh* >_>

*Now I shall point out things I dislike in every single person. MUAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA >_> I am so evil. Yes, and so unchristianlike too. But IMO it's an important part of self-improvement. If you don't even know what's wrong with you how can you possibly improve?

Oh yeah, God. >_>

I shall now cease my thoughts of accusing everyone.



I got annoyed at Zhang once again when he said "I FAILED" when he got 22/25 for his History assignment. And yes, I'm sure I heard you say that, if you said "I didn't do as well as I could" I wouldn't be pissed with you because that's the kinda stuff KW says and I rarely get annoyed at him.

Anyway, he goes into an angst-bout once again *Yes, he does this almost every assignment.* and there I am feeling angered because I got 13/25. Hsieh Wen failed according to himself and I'll trust him on that. JK didn't go into an angst-bout so I didn't complain. Daniel? Rarr. >_>

I went into a flurry of thoughts when I went over to Zhang, showed him my results. Why? He replied with this: We have different expectations of our results. I was REALLY annoyed at that point of time because that's like saying that I don't need my results to be as good as him. Yes, I hate competition; yes, I know some people love it; yes, I know some people's lives revolve around other's opinions of them. BUT I SAY THEY ARE STUPID. >_>

Why the heck must competition occur in the first place? Friendly competition is good. It's like the competition between the GG community. We try to train to beat the other person, but the other person doesn't go NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I LOSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT he trains harder to try beat the first person. Eventually both become better. The competition I talk about is the one where the person who isn't first goes NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I LOSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. It's sickening. You're moping over good results. You're shedding tears which no one will share symphaty for. You're blaming yourself for doing well. WHY THE HECK ARE YOU DOING THIS?!

*sigh* Sorry, my mind's in a mess right now. Ironic, isn't it? The fact that I despise angst yet I still go into it. How even more ironic that I angst over others going into angst. >_> I feel like such a hypocrite.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

School Life

Less and less I feel like blogging. It's quite a weird feeling, really. It's... just... this need to go on a hiatus for other commitments.

If I really want to blog about something I need to blog about then well, let's say that things will become ultra-contraband and there's things I don't need people like SZ, Mel, etc seeing. But they view this blog anyway so I shall refrain.

And no, I won't tell just because you ask.


Stress just keeps building up on me. Something you wouldn't normally hear from me, right? Haha.

I'm pretty stressed out right now. I REALLY REALLY don't want to do homework but yeah, I have to. In this time, I seriously need to find my own identity, soul-searching, understanding myself. Not some assignment given to me. Sorry, just had to say it. I mean, geez dangit. I can't concentrate for a single moment. Thoughts just keep rushing in, rushing out, flying around and refusing to be caught when I decide to blog. It's quite a pain, really.

Memories flow back to me quite often now. The time I got beaten up by Jireh and Caleb. Then I bit Dickson (Funny how I always thought his name was spelled Dixen.) and he hit me with his waterbottle. Then it was a very very bad scolding by Mr. Michael Chan. Not that he was fierce. It was the guilt. I saw what I did to Dickson. And I remembered what Jireh and Caleb did to me. Thinking now, I wonder how I would have felt if the person I bit was Jireh or Caleb instead of Dickson? Sigh.

P4...nevermind, look to the top to see why I shan't talk about this.

The pain of keeping secrets. The burden. It pains me. I need to get a blog where I can post the darker side of stuff. *sigh* One where only people like Zhang would view, because I know for one that they're the people I trust and the people I can rely on.

My parents. How much do they know me, really? My mom thinks that the philosophy I read up on during the June hols were storybooks. My dad comes up with the most stupid methods of getting the family together. But they're nice people. I can for one appreciate my dad's fetching me to school everyday, and my mom washing my clothes. Oh, and my mom cooks, not me. That's one thing to be glad about too. I have bad memories of cooking >_> I want to repay their kindness, but how? They need to understand my needs before I can understand theirs. Or is it the other way round? *sigh*

People... relations... friends... how real are they in reality? The failure of humans to understand another human well is something that makes sure clairvoyance is amazingly impossible to find. But seriously, how much do you really know about your best friend? Quoted from elsewhere, it's easier to bare your bottom than to bare your soul. But I need someone to bare my soul to. Everyone does at some time.

The closer you get to someone, the more you talk to somebody, the more you realize how different they really are from the words of others. I remember hearing other people talk about Mong last time. All I knew about him was his emotional disfunction (and I don't even know if that's true). When I made fun of him (playing soccer) from the windows of 1.13, he seemed to get angry at me. I continued with my bad impression of him. But then, when I was next to him and made fun of him, I realized that he managed to take my insults without hurling back one at me. Somehow, that resistance amazed me. I suppose this won't apply for others, but I managed to hold some respect for him after that. Which is also why I call him Michael Ong instead of Mong >_>

SZ. When I first got into 1.12 I thought he was some kind of joker or whatnot. Some stupid fella. Obsessing over Yu-Gi-Oh all the time. Anyway. Move on to Sec 2. My impression him betters someewhat. But I still was of the opinion he was some kinda deprived kid with a demented childhood. After being friends with him for some time, I suddenly realize how wrong I was. SZ's resolve is actually quite strong compared to most people. Then again, he faces something I never had: Alienation. Nevermind. Why am I talking about one of my daily blog-readers anyway. >_>

Jun Yi. I always thought he was being evil and mean to Sheu Zhi for no reason. He was still nice to people like me, but I still didn't like him too much because of how he treated SZ. I remember how seeing how Justin's mom treated Justin made me change my opinion of him SOMEWHAT (I still dislike him to a certain extent). It was the same with Jun Yi. Parents influence how their children turn out. If a parent brings up his child with too much care, then the child is pampered and spoilt. Likewise, if a parent refuses to give a child any love, then the child will grow up with a dark view on the world. Which is what happened to Jun Yi. If anyone actually knows how his mother treats him (Worlds apart from mine, that I know), you'd grow much sympathy for him too. I mean, whose parents throw death threats at their child? He has some very screwed up parents.

Zhang... despite all the randomness and constantly trying to make me 'happy', I actually quite appreciate it somewhat. But Zhang, remember. Serenity is what I like, not happiness. And they are different.

Mike. How do I put it. My impression of him has worsened somewhat. Perhaps it's jealousy, perhaps it's rivalry, perhaps it's just me. But I don't really like people who just jump at conclusions when judging people. People cannot be viewed in black and white. But that is what so many people do. Well, I guess I can't say that my friendship with him went down the drain, just distanced... somewhat.

KW. He's an interesting fella. He's the only one I don't mind constantly whining about Boey because I make fun of him out of it. It describes his personality quite well. XD He's a cute and likable fella (No, I'm not gay.) but man is he good at nearly everything. Sports, studies, looks and personality, it's as if he's Mr. Right. XD Sorry, I just like making fun of him. Yet he still manages fine friendships with people like Daniel (Whom I make fun of quite often too >_>), Kevin Low, etc. He's quite an admirable fellow, I have to admit.

Kevin Low. Let's just say that given the amount of trouble the vice-chair has given him I'm surprised he hasn't started to hate me yet. Thanks for putting up with me for so long. >_>

Jarrel. Same with KL. You're a good man, but your EQ is pathetic. Well, that's you, right? Can't change that. That just means you're a good man with a bad EQ. Lol, pretty rare eh.

Gid. I don't know. It's as if I know so much about him, but then it's also as if I know absolutely nothing about him. I've been with him for 7 years now. Yet so many things set us apart. He's like this enigmatic person I never really truly know.

*sigh* I'm thinking so much nowadays. About all the things I've been through. What use are they? What have I learnt? What is my future?

Sometimes, I realize that Asakura Yoh's goal really is tougher to achieve than running for president. Because it requires more than hard work. I suppose that's the only way to having an easy life. *sigh* The irony, huh? Haha.

Well, my thoughts are done for today. Farewell, and thanks for reading my blog. It's assuring to know that even though I just put my thoughts here there's people among my readers who care about what I write here. =)

Saturday, July 16, 2005


Doing some reflection on what Mrs. Lena Yeo said Friday.

Education is for people to learn, understand, and more importantly (According to her), to know their place in society.

Now what part of that doesn't sound right? Hmm. I don't know. The last, I guess.

What's she trying to be? Authoritarian? Enlightener? I have no idea.

Why is it that we should learn of our place in society? Since when was there a strict ruling on our places in society? It's as if she's mocking our status. Yeah, we're students, does that mean that our fates are sealed until we become adults? I THINK NOT. She mocks us in her claim that we are but mere peope there to submit to authority!

*Man, does this sound revolutionist.*

Ok, what I'm trying to say is, why should we let our status quo decide on how far we can go into the unsafe zone of questioning authority or being close to it? Granted, there's obviously points where you've just gone too far, like asking a teacher for a date or fighting with him. But seriously, since when was the line so fine and clear? I somehow remember it being a VERY grey area. Why do I say this? Look at Michael. THAT'S why I say it.

...what? >_>

Anyway. I don't think that we should just let our alleged-immature stereotype let us go around actually thinking that we should submit to the authority by virtue of his position. After all, there's something that made us respect DT and Jasbir Singh more than Grace Khoo, right? It's the fact that they closed the gap between authorities somewhat. Of course they made sure they didn't become like friends with us, since that way we'd get illusioned into thinking we could play around with them. (IOW they'll lose their jobs >_>)

That, and Grace Khoo was an utter jerk. Umm, I didn't say that.

Why is it that education should let us be aware of our position in society? I somehow remember a word for people who went against the flow of the world. Oh yeah, it rhymes with my name. The word's "Maverick". Incidentally that's one of the words I like (Mostly because it's hard to find words that rhyme with me name.). Ok, fine, education should let us be aware of our position in society, but by no means should it restrict us or alter our thinking into believing that that position cannot be challenged. Because well, let's say that this position is perspective and relative.

*sigh* Done my ranting. Comments?

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Sight of the Day

Sight of the day (IOW very very short. >_> Hey, I blogged just yesterday right?)

Setting: It was the recess just before ISO. I hide next to the 2.12 Door.

Herr: *Jumps out in an attempt to scare people.*


Jun Yi: *Sees me and decides to join. I was in front of the main part of the door (open btw, in case you didn't get it), he was in front of the side part of the door.*

Herr & Jun Yi: *Waits for a while, then pop heads out. Sees JK running.*

Herr and Jun Yi: *Gets ready*

Herr & Jun Yi: *Jumps out* Rarr!

Jeremy: *Stomp* Rarr! *Pushes Jun Yi*

Herr: o_O

Jun Yi: *Sound of Jun Yi slamming into side door*

Jun Yi: Owwwwwwwwww

Herr: O_O!!!

Jeremy stompruns his way into class. >_>

(Enter immense traumatisation.)

Everyone in class: *Sees JK stomprun to his bag and pack it up*

Everyone: o_O

(Jun Yi and I outside)

Jun Yi: Oww...

Herr: Jun, you ok? *Stares back into classroom* o_O

JK: *Stompruns out.*

Everyone in class: o_O

Herr & Jun Yi: Rarr

JK: Rarr! I am already late for my ISO Session! Rarr *Continues to stomprun*

Herr & Jun Yi: o_O


Like, wow, I always heard of classfolk talking about how scary JK was but only today do I get to see it firsthand 1m away from me.

Hell have no fury of a JK late for his ISO Session. >_>

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Deaded Blog

My blog has been stagnant and somewhat deaded for some time now. And to everyone out there who reads this blog and apparently feels it is insightful for any reason, sowwy >_>

Also I realize that the quality of my blogposts are decreasing somewhat. I will apologize for that too.

My mind is once again in a state of random fragmentation and hence my post today will be highly fragmented as well. Better than random phrases at least IMO. >_>

Charity Cafe was pretty fun. But our selling of items was pretty bad. >_> We need to actually organize our items so it won't be like tidbits and stuff but actually good stuff that won't appear in another store (Granted ours did but that's not the point). My trying to sell Mamee by talking about respecting your elderly and such was pretty good IMO >_> But no one bought from me anyway apart from Cleon (Because I'm a nice guy >_>)

To Lou Ee: Yes, I'm pretty sure I shouted as loud as you. And I can sing that loud too. =)

To Andy: I said, can I buy the pizza for one dollar? He said NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. XD (Russell Peters if any of you didn't get it.)

To Kevin Wong: I still think you're the best salesman among us. *Just look at those eyes of yours. The innocense. The sadness. The guilt one feels if he doesn't help one as cute and likable as you. The satisfaction one gets when he buys a Mamee from you, going away thinking "I did a good deed". That's the power you have. Use it, dangit. >_<* >_> And yes, you're fun to tease.

To everyone else: Eh, what? o_O

Student Exchange-related (Because I can annoy Melissa by not telling her what it is. That's assuming she's like Kevin Wong. Which I will agree is so to a certain extent. >_>) : Eh, how will I put it. The coach says we've only done 1/4 of the total thing last session. I hope we've done more this session. I personally want ti have done at least 1/2 by now. It's tough memorizing everything. >_>

The song? Moment is a pain to have steps to. Seriously. >_> Ask Zhang. >_>

Homework? Stress, stress, stress. >_> I'm slacking through it all. I will definitely regret this choice. >_>

TNN? Finally reworking again. After this I'll start to split from Kev's story. IOW the arcs will begin to deviate. Yay =)

CAP? Stagnant.

Philosophy? Stagnant.

Life? Stagnant.

Thoughts? Stagnant.

Hopes for the future? Hopefully not stagnant.

Will I get into IB? Dang is that one tough question. Seriously, I don't know.

*sigh* Sorry for the short blog guys. I'm just... I dunno.

Monday, July 04, 2005

The lil' things in life

*sigh* Don't really have anything big to blog about, so I shall blog about the small htings in life. My title of this blog, though it can't be seen, is 'The lil' things in life'.

I'm 1/2way through my next chapter of TNN. While I know the onus is on me to write TNN for the forumgoers, it's becoming harder and harder each and everytime. It's like inspiration: You can write a ton when you first start, and slowly it just drains off, slowly and slowly. *sigh* I may end up being like ZQ, JK, and Gid. >_>

On Wednesday, I met Ms.Loh at the bus-stop just outside school. Talked to her about a whole lot of things on the bus, about CAP, about friendship and stuff, about what she was going to do next year, and about philosophy (She asked me what my favourite subject was. >_>). I really kinda admire her for actually being able to put up with everyone from the OM group. And I am also somewhat indebted to her for being the first adult to actually converse with me about philosophy and discuss. Something my parents won't be doing anytime soon. >_> *sigh*

SJAB Day... how can I put it. On Thursday night, everyone fell in at the space frame. We began with drill to see who wasn't good enough to march for SJAB day. Dheeraj and Perry went out. Well, can't really say I didn't expect it, but I was surprised Douglas didn't go out. Then again, he did march well.

Staff B. (I call the staffs by Staff Lui, Staff Pongsy, Staff Kai Lun, and Staff B. I bet apart from 'Pongsy' and 'Kai Lun' I'm the only one who calls them that way. >_>) said that we were marching very well, but it might be that it was because it was nighttime and maybe he couldn't see very well. Then I made a joke by saying "Swami!" then Swaminathan said "Staff! I have a complaint! Herrick has just made a racist comment!" Staff B was like "Is that so?" and Swami explained it to him. >_> Everyone else was like "Ooooh...." at me >_> I'm pretty sure Swami didn't take it to heart, though. XD I don't tease him that much anyway. Staff B told me to look for him later for punishment. >_>

After the drill test we fell in as one contingent and took out everyone who wasn't good enough / didn't come enough times during SJAB Day training. Kai Lun gave a very motivating speech. Went to look for Staff B later to ask for punishment. I guess he was in a good mood 'cause he told me he'll punish me some other time. >_>

After drill we went to bed, and I realized I don't have my sleeping bag, nor a 2nd set of clothes (Some didn't have it either, so that was fine. The sleeping bag, though... >_>) so I laid out my lab coat on the floor and my jacket (Y'know the black shiny New Balance one I wore on Friday? That one.) above it. Then JX came along and offered me to share his sleeping bag (It was humungous *sp?*. If you spread it out it could fit 2 people comfortably.) I decided to take his offer. Eugene came along and started making fun of the two of us (Well, I don't have to tell you about what, do I.) But I cared not and just lied down on the sleeping bag. Some were bathing, some were chatting, some were eating biscuits given by the Staffs, some S3s and S2s were going into each other's rooms just to make everyone else groom >_> It was pretty funny.

Sleeping position:

JX Me John Ang

3 of us were really squeezed up with no space whatsoever. Ok, there was some space, but that's not the point. Blame the big sleeping bag of JX's. >_>

At 10.30 was lights-out. But everyone continued chatting. >_> Then a Staff came in and told us to quiet. >_> Then after much ruckus (Pretty funny ruckus, actually. Like Douglas going "Cockroach!" to "Watch out for Lai Kwan!" and "Esther can be anywhere!" and eventually ending with Douglas going "Owowow cramp". >_>) Good thing for JX's Strepsils. Helped my cough somewhat.

The next day other people came. Michael, Boey, SZ, Kevin Wong. SZ and Boey were placed in the stationary contingent. >_>

Kevin was complaining about how he had to march all the way past so many people, so he wanted to change positions with me. I told him I was standing in front of 2.12 so he was like ">_>" and "Hmu (If you don't get this ask ZQ >_>)"

Just before the marching Dalton, John Yu and (Not sure) were talking about Fire Emblem. I just listened. >_> Then marching started.

When we went there the GoH was actually early o_O. Then we marched in. Some people say that the GoH was longwinded but I don't really think so. Ok, maybe certain parts were quite disheartening like

"Hello again." and "Let me start by telling you a story". >_> The 2nd one made Dalton squat. Ameer squatted too. >_<

After that we just went back, phototaking, chatting, changing into casual clothes, and back for school.

End SJAB Day. >_>

SJAB Carnival:

Lol, much fun. I bought lots of food >_> But only used up $13 in the process so I gave the rest to Muhammad's bro. The stuff there were pretty nice. Well, we sold out by 10 so we were all dismissed then >_> Inhaling helium is fun! Except Ms. Tan Boon Chui doesn't think so. >_>

Btw, I still see no relation between those... costumes and SJAB. >_>