Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Layout Change

Tadaa! Here's my new layout. I hope you like it. To commemorate this great event, I have made a sitemeter to record the amount of people who access my page! (If you don't know, the sitemeter used for has to be remade as it is unreliable now; it records for my decoy blog, not this nice-looking blog right here. 'sides, I want a new start, and I might be able to beat Zhang Quan. Go me!)

Today, Mdm. Eu made us make advertisments, my group did the school tie. The other group did hair gel. In the end, they came up with an advertisment for Testi Hair Gel and we came up with an adversitment for the School Tie Toilet Paper. Good thing I wasn't in it, it's seriously real sad. During recess, Kevin Low (In the group I was in) and I came up with a hair gel advertisment, which was really quite funny.

"Ever had a bad hair day? Ever had too many close shaves? Ever came out of the shower thinking 'Darn, my hair's gone down'? Well, that always happens with normal hair gel and wax. But now, there's a new special hair gel on the markey that will guarantee your hair standing up after 240 hours at least! That's right; not 24 hours, but 240 hours at least!

Introducing... The... Concrete Hair Gel! *Oos and Aahs*

Made from 90% cement, this hair gel will guarantee your hair standing up even after water, shampoo, hair fuzzying, strong winds, and even acid rain! Yes, it's just that good! Now only at $29.99. That's right, just $29.99. *Cheering*

*You give us cold, hard cash, we give you cold, hard hair.*"

Mdm. Eu whacked her head in agony and lameness at the last statement, guess why.


Whee! I got my math test back! *Though it's not the big math test yet, but every small step counts; and these small steps could really save me should I do badly on the real test.*

Anyways, I got 17 1/2! That's better than Jarrel (Who got 17) and Gideon (Who got 13 or 14). But that's not the point. The point is that I got 17 1/2 upon 20, and that means a score of 87.5 over 100! That's not too bad, if you ask me.

There were, of course, people who beat me. Shaun, for example, got 20, the genius that he was.


Whee, my brother just found some random cartoon themes and goes on playing it every now and then. Now I can't get the tune for 'Animaniacs' out of my head (Not that I mind, it's nice and catchy), and I can't get the tune for lots of other songs out of my head. Examples: Thundercats, Batman 70s Theme, Hercules: The Legendary Adventures (No song, just background music and a narrator speaking), Spiderman 70s Theme, Chip & Dale, Darkwing Ducks, Mummies Alive, The Chipmunks, and one or two others I can't remember. Ooh, the zanity...

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