Friday, October 08, 2004

Great interpretions to not-so-great poems.

Great interpretions to not-so-great poems.

1,2, Buckle my shoes.
3,4, Knock on the door.
5,6, Pick up sticks.
7,8, Lay 'em straight.
9,10, A big fat hen.

Watashi: What is the poem about?
Jarrel Seah: This poem alludes to the military as it goes 1,2,3,4, which is the army beat and is very steady. Let me explain each line.
"Buckle my shoes" is referring to getting ready for war,
"Knock on the door" is formal, just like a declaration of war,
"Pick up sticks" refers to arming oneself for battle,
"Lay 'em straight" means to lay the corpses straight for casualty counts.
"A big fat hen" is a metaphor for the rewards of war.


Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Could not put Humpty Dumpty together again.

Watashi: What is the poem talking about?
Jarrel: In this poem, Humpty Dumpty is an extended metaphor to one's opportunities. If a person leaves his opportunities on the wall, an extended metaphor to one's efforts and works, it will fall and disappear. By then, no one, not even the best and highest, can get you that opportunity ever again.

o_O ^--- Stuff from Jarrel O_o

"So... we finally meet. Now, where does the real you exist?" chaos, Xenosaga.

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