Friday, December 31, 2004
School's Start
3 days to school now, I hate getting up early. I haven't completed my Chi. Assignment yet, and I think I'm the worst around here. *sigh* To think that I'm blogging here instead of doing my homework.
Mel and Matt have taken a copy of StepMania with them. Well, that's good. Hopefully in a year I can play with others that are as good as or even better than me.
Then again, now I have to play StepMania alone. Without anyone to play with me. It was fun when you play against someone else, it isn't as fun when you play alone.
*sigh* Matt and Mel aren't coming back until 300+ days later. *sigh* I feel so lonely right now. Gwin is upstairs bathing *We were swimming yesterday night, and he didn't get a chance to properly shower. How I wished that the moments with Mel and Matt could be frozen forever. Oh well, what wishful thinking. I'm not the only one out there who has moments to freeze.*
Can't see them today... I personally hoped that Matt or Mel had left something at home by accident. That way I could see them today one last time.
The rain is clearing up. Hopefully my sadness goes with it too. I suppose I have to continue doing my homework now.
....owaranai no ashita he, ka? Demo, watashi wa imaa itsumademo Mera-chan to Matthew-san issho ni ikiritaiyo. ...ikenai ka?
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
I mean, is it right for us to consider ourselves lucky this time round? The concept of luck killing others is rather new to me; I'd hate to have it the other way.
To think that the King of Thai himself lost a Grandson.
To think that there's the islands in Andaman still cut off from the world.
Then again, imagine if the flood really hit Singapore. I doubt Singapore would have a chance against it either, in all honesty. I guess the only place we'll be fleeing to would be Bukit Timah Hill or your local 10-story high HDB Block.
I don't like talking about depressing stuff. It makes me feel guilty that I can only symphatize with them.
Monday, December 27, 2004
1 week to School's start.
Working on Suikoden 2 again. Amazingly, I went from 30-35 characters recruited to nearly 60! And I'm not even 1/2way through the story. I think I can hit 70 before I should continue with my story. =)
Whee, Kingdom of Loathing gave everyone Crimbo Stockings. I've 3, since I've Buz, Buz2 and Buz3. =P That's 12 million if I'm an idiot and sell them immediately. =)
Whee, I'm getting even BETTER at Stepmania! *Just when one thought I couldn't get any better.*
Current Achievements:
C onV by BeManiRuler (Hey hey, I actually passed this. =)
C on AAA *DJ Amuro vs. DJ Ashura* (12-footer Challenge. Just as tough as V, except I had to C500 it. Call me a cheater, but I can't read slow notes.)
C on Shining Collection Oni Challenge (Cool song, tough steps = Fun.)
A on Max 300
A on Paranoia -Respect-
AA on a whole lot of official non-10-footer songs (Even 9-footers! ph34r! Now I just needa work on the 10-footers. XD)
A on Initial D - Overdrive (Pretty darn tough. =)
Trying to A or better:
Shining Collection Oni Challenge
Paranoia Survivor Max Challenge (Yeah yeah, make fun of me, whydon'tcha.)
Legend of Max Heavy (Whatever, I'm not good at this song, happy?)
T.M. Revolution -- Zips (I can't even manage to A my own created song. Geez!)
V by BeManiRuler (At least I passed this. XD)
Am working on passing:
Neon Genesis Gabbengelion (Talk about really corny parody.) -- Otaku Speedvibe 12-footer Challenge (By Sharpnelsound.)
Dokudenpa 12-footer Challenge (Also by Sharpnelsound.)
AA: Reniassance Revival 11-12 footer Challenge
Legend of Trance 2004 12-footer Challenge WITHOUT Mines (By some fella I don't know.)
Future hopefuls:
1.5x rate Quasar (Hey, Arch0wl could do it with a AAA, why can't I? =)
Maxx Attaxx (Dude, it's just so darn tough.)
A by BeManiRuler (Argh, so darn scary. Even faster than Quasar and V.)
Gravity by BeManiRuler (...I can't believe the steps for this are so tough.)
Maxx Forever (the 15-foot Challenge, I mean. I'd be ashamed if I could do V by BeManiRuler (there's quite a few unofficial versions. BeManiRuler's is one of them.) and not pass the Heavy version of this.)
Sin/Pride Heavy (Argh!!!!!!!! I can't even A the STANDARD version. What a shame.)
Ok, enough about Stepmania.
This be post-christmas, and I've forgotten to post on Christmas. Why? Because I was up late watching Inu-Yasha and 12 Kingdoms (or Juni Kokki, whatever you prefer.) at Grandfather's place. Imagine this.
Matt (16), Gwin (17), Mel (13), Watashi (13), Qiao Yu (11), Li Xin (7), Cindy (24), Sea Tortoise (I dunno), Tian Fa Shu Shu (I dunno) all taking turns playing Mahjong (we only had one set.)
Tian Fa Shu Shu usually helps other people while playing, because he's better than most of us. What gives? o_O
There was a game which was even more interesting.
Mel: Being helped by Tian Fa Shu Shu (Dunno, but he's 40-45, I guess.)
Me: Being helped by Gwin (17)
Cindy: Being helped by Sea Tortoise (I hate to admit it, but my bro-in-law's good at Mahjong.)
And the best one?
Matt: Being helped by Li Xin and Zheng Yu (7)
I guess if you added their ages together it'd be possible why they were 'helping' Matt.
We also played Uno, 26-card Tai Ti (2 decks. =), 8-player Go Fish (2 decks, hey. Sea Tortoise is a huge cheater. I had to put my hand in my Christmas Hat just to keep him away.)
Gwin and I: T-Shirts by Aunts, Guiness Book of Records 2005 by Aunt Li Choo (She's a really nice person.), Card Set and Card game book by Aunt Li Choo (See what I meant? She knows what I like.), Sherlock Holmes Book and 1k Piece Puzzle for Gwin (See? Gwin likes these kinda stuff.), and Chained Wings pendant by Melissa. (Thanks alot.)
Cindy: Hey Melissa, what's this pendant?
Mel: Oh, it's Chained Wings.
Cindy: o_O Shouldn't it be more like, I dunno, Chained Leaves?
Mel: Well, Qiao Yu didn't have any Wing beads, so I had to use Leaf beads.
Watashi: O(o_O)o? *The Scepter of ???ness.*
It broke prior to her giving it to me. It broke again a few hours after she gave it to me. Talk about fragile. Just like Melissa. XD
What we gave to M&M:
Mel: A container for all the beads she has *She likes sewing and making earrings and such.*
Matt: A Buster Gundam Model.
Matt: Uhh, which Gundam is this?
Gwin: Oh, that's the Buster Gundam. I hope you like huge guns.
Matt: Looks at the side diagrams of case (They usually have pics of the Gundam inside in various poses, usually one standing, one holding up his guns and stuff, and one in his unique pose that makes this Gundam different from that Gundam. =)
Gwin: See, the two big guns it has can join up to make a really huge gun. The best thing is, it connects both ways, so you can't say "Oh dear, I connected it the wrong way!"
Matt: Cool...
Good thing there wasn't any Christmas Concert for us to do this year. Gwin would've made me do card tricks, Mel would've made Gwin and I sing. Matt'd play the Keyboard, like Mel would. XD
Yarr, I guess I needa do New Year's Resolutions:
Do well in SJAB (Hopefully get a double-promotion. Best Cadet goes to John Ang, because he's the best. Maybe Michael, Kevin Wong and I all tie for second best, who knows. That'd be nice, though. =)
Do well in Library Club (I must do well, I made one of the seniors quit just for me. I feel kinda bad, though I most likely just changed his 10-point A1 to a 9-point A1, since he's been at it for 4 years. Hopefully I won't end up like Matthew Moh.
Do well in OM (Ashvin said this year *Soon last year* that I was really good, just that I didn't participate enough. I guess there's a slightly-bigger responsibility on me next year, since I was in a nearly-winner team. At least now I know my problems.)
Do well in life. (I phail @ life. I needa change that. XD, Ok, I don't actually phail @ life, but I needa stop getting in trouble with my teachers. Gid's the class comedian, but that doesn't mean he's gonna be the only one making jokes and stuff. I was Class Comedian once too, y'know.
Do well at OEP (To where, I've no idea!)
Do well at my games (Cleon's lent me so many...)
Do well at giving presents (I owe Gid two presents next year, yarr...)
Do well spiritually (Hey, I'd be kinda surprised if you could find more than 10 Christians in ACS(I) who won't say that. Wait, I take that back.)
And lastly...
Holidays are coming to a close. *sigh*
I'm saying goodbye to M&Ms. *sigh*
I'm saying goodbye to late sleeps and long Ps2 hours. *sigh*
I'm saying goodbye to constant StepMania. *sigh*
I'm saying hello to my friends again! *Yay*
I'm saying hello to homework again. *sigh*
I'm saying goodbye to Mr. Daniel Tan. *sigh*
I'm saying goodbye to Mdm. Eu. *sigh*
I'm saying goodbye to Mr. Singh. *sigh*
I'm saying goodbye to Mrs. Grace Khoo. *Yay*
I'm saying goodbye to Gwin in 1 year too. *sigh*
Oh well, I'm done with sighs this year. Farewell, 2k4! Hello, 2k5!
Onwards to a Neverending Tomorrow! (I like that phrase now. It's supposed to be Owaranai no Ashita E! which is basically the same thing as that.)
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Bloggy return!
However, I was kinda suprised only Zhang thought of the lag-&-stop way. Oh well, guess I couldn't fool him.
I have decided to remove all contraband stuff. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Watched Kung Fu Hustle, not with Zhang & Co, but with MY FAMILY! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
It was really funny how they managed to make parodies of the Matrix and bring in references from stuff like Spiderman at times, just shows how proded Stephen Chow is.
The Beast is just a plain sore loser, though. Resorting to secret weaponry... Bleh.
Xue Wu *Celestial Zone*: You resort to such weaponry and still call yourself a martial artist?
Yarr, internet explorer is horrendous right now. I've no idea why. *sigh*
Matt & Mel're coming back tomorrow! Hopefully.
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Melissa 2
Looking at this again, after everything is over, I realize that I treated this really immaturely. Oh well, everyone has his or her bad times. Melissa was originally really angry at me for not showing this to her. Well, she would've just got angrier, seeing how biased this entry was. Anyway, I'm going to put this here, if you read this, good for you, you most likely did not read it last time round. Unless you're Zhang. Then again, I seriously doubt you'd be reading this. But that's not the point.
Yesteryesterday: EVERYONE knows about the diary incident, EVERYONE! Because Melissa here put it on my blog so EVERYONE can see it! Nice, eh. *Well, just revenge for me, anyway.*
Yestarday: Went to play badminton with Gwin, Mel, Zhang, Mike, Job, Jar, John, and Watashi. Kept losing in doubles because of Zhang's Doubles-win aura. Mel wasn't too good in badminton so I asked if she wanted to let me take over. She, being the overly-summisive-on-the-surface type, let me play. Godwin whacked me on the head after that for being a jerk. Then he commented about how sucky Jar and I played against Zhang and Mike. Gwin and Jar teamed up after that, so Mel and I were alone at the corner.
"Y'know, I'm kinda wondering why you invited me here."
"Mum's idea, not mine."
...yeah right, I was the one who asked her to go. So what if it was mum's idea? *sigh* I wonder if I should take the blame instead of mum. I know who Mel's going to push the blame to.
After that, Gwin made Mel play for a while, and she got off the court on her own accord. Gwin just went '...' *sigh* I know you're trying to be nice to her, but geez, this ain't how you do it!
I'm pretty sure she had more fun playing cards with my friends, but I won't know.
After that, headed to J8's Pastamania (Didn't know there was one there.) Had to make sure they changed one of the pizzas to a Tri-Sausage because Mel didn't eat mushrooms. She tried to make me sing, so I sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. And she complained because she couldn't hear it. GEEZ! Pizza was nice, though.
Went shopping around J8 after that. Melissa seemed extremely bored. I WONDER WHY. Took a walk around, and for the most of it stared at the kids, until Salima came along. Mel thinks Salima should be Mike's girlfriend because he has a high opinion of her. I had a high opinion of Melissa when she first came over, now I'm thinking she's just some adolescent girl with a crush on someone else. It's just so darn idealistic!
After Salima came, we headed to Popular... nevermind, continuing blogging tomorrow. Mom shouting at me to sleep. Sorry, mom.
Now, today's a new day, and I'm continuing my blogging. Sorry if it doesn't flow together now.
After Salima came, we headed to Popular. There, we spent most of our time staring at the Gundam Models. *Mel: SIGH, Gwin: Hey, I resent that. Me: ...* We spent a really long time at the Gundam Models staring, and what did Gwin do? Buy a pen. o_O
Gid: See? Graphic Novels, Comics. Graphic Novels, Comics. BIG DIFFERENCE!
Bleh, Gundam SEED's counted as a Comic while Batman is counted as a Graphic Novel. Bleh...
Mel took this book <101>: Herrick, you should get this book!
Herr: (wth, d00d)...
She went on quote examples in my story and I pushed her to the side.
Mike: Y'know, Herrick doesn't have to use such *Forgot word here* vobulary in his story. It suits the mood better.
Mel: What?
Mike: *Forgot word here.*
Herr: Y'know, Mel, you're good at English, but he's better. *Walks off.*
Mike: He has a point, y'know.
Mel *after a while, I think*: I feel suppressed.
[19:34:09] Herr.: Hiya.
[19:47:54] Zephel :: Yo: Yo.
[19:48:14] Herr.: *sigh* I passed Melissa my story.
[19:48:19] Zephel :: Yo: Which story?
[19:48:24] Herr.: the 22kword one.
[19:48:40] Zephel :: Yo: the er...
[19:48:45] Zephel :: Yo: insert catchy title?
[19:48:47] Herr.: My self-esteem is being shattered into bits by a concrete donkey in front of my face.
[19:48:48] Herr.: yes.
[19:49:17] Herr.: It's not easy feeling good with your story when the person reading it laughs every 10 seconds. *sigh*
[19:49:26] Zephel :: Do: well you shouldn't take it too hard
[19:49:27] Zephel :: Do: i mean
[19:49:33] Zephel :: Do: you know she's biased
[19:49:48] Herr.: No, I think she's just really strict on books.
[19:50:30] Zephel :: Do: really...
[19:51:02] Herr.: Yes.
[19:51:10] Herr.: She isn't treating yours like utter junk.
[19:51:10] Zephel :: Do: Well, one person thinking it sucks doesn't mean everything.
[19:51:17] Zephel :: Do: Exactly, she's biased.
[19:51:47] Zephel :: Do: You just have to be more steel against nasty comments.
[19:51:52] Herr.: no ell
[19:52:03] Herr.: Mel: It's really funny...
[19:52:07] Zephel :: Do: ...
[19:52:15] Herr.: *I don't think she's trying to be strict to it or anything.*
[19:52:29] Herr.: *She's being really sarcastic now.*
[19:52:37] Zephel :: Do: Yep.
[19:52:49] Zephel :: Do: I mean, you do know it isn't really funny.
[19:52:50] Herr.: She keeps laughing every 10 seconds or what.
[19:53:05] Herr.: I don't know, she keeps laughing at the dialogue.
[19:53:10] Zephel :: Do: Well, don't take it to heart.
[19:53:20] Herr.: It's hard to.
[19:53:27] Zephel :: Do: She reading it from the comp?
[19:53:31] Herr.: The constant laughter gets to you after a while.
[19:53:36] Herr.: Yes, the one next to me.
[19:53:39] Zephel :: Do: Ahh.
[19:53:44] Zephel :: Do: Bleaaah, I lost the story.
[19:53:51] Zephel :: Do: Didn't save it.
[19:53:54] Zephel :: Do: Oh well.
[19:54:04] Zephel :: Do: Just try to ignore.
I send Mike the story and he starts work on editing and giving critique on it, INSTEAD OF LAUGHING AT IT EVERY 10 SECONDS LIKE SOME HYSTERICAL IDIOT.
Mel looks over and sees the critique: You sent Mike the story? Why?
Watashi: Because he knows how to critique and edit the story and actually comments on it?
Mel: Well, umm... you had lots of strength of will when writing this. I couldn't have wrote such a long piece myself.
Conversation with Mike a few days later:
[21:19:36] "Haro! Haro!: I don't know, I think she has a really low opinion of me.
[21:19:57] Zephel :: No: ...
[21:20:15] "Haro! Haro!: Have you heard her ever say anything good about me?
[21:20:22] Zephel :: No: not yet
[21:20:28] "Haro! Haro!: Point.
[21:22:30] "Haro! Haro!: Mel: You sent michael that story? Why?
Me: Well, it's because he offers to help me edit it, and also gives critiques on it as well?
Maybe because he has something to say about it that isn't negative?
Mel: Oh, umm... Well, you had lots of strength of will. I could never do these kinda things. (Note, she says this after laughing at my story 10 minutes straight.)
[21:22:54] Zephel :: No: ...
[21:23:04] Zephel :: No: well i'm surprised
[21:23:08] Zephel :: No: she even said something positive
[21:23:12] "Haro! Haro!: I didn't get strength of will in writing my story so people could laugh at it!
[21:23:38] "Haro! Haro!: And she thinks I'm touchy for being annoyed at her!
[21:24:27] Zephel :: No: ...
[21:24:42] "Haro! Haro!: Anything negative or positive to comment about?
[21:25:00] "Haro! Haro!: Defend her or me, offend her or me...
[21:25:14] Zephel :: No: for the lack of comment, i think she's being biased
21:25:22] Zephel :: No: 'thassal
[21:25:44] "Haro! Haro!: Well, I guess you put it in one short sentence.
Mel thinks Salima ought to be Mike's girlfriend because he has a high opinion of her. Zhang laughed when he read the snippet of their conversation, I would too. I seriously hope this isn't what she thinks of love. It just doesn't work that way, Mel! *sigh*
Anyway, I just went seriously off-track. Where was I? The movie.
We headed into the movie, and I sat next to Mel, and Gid.
Gid, Me, Mel, Gwin.
I felt cold, so I put on the jacket. I thought Mel would've been fine, since she lived in Australia. Gid was really cold and asked Mel whether she was cold. What did Mel say? 'INDEED I AM FINE.' I try and lend her my jacket, she refuses. Movie starts. Gid is freezing cold and clutches onto his bag. Melissa still acts as if she is fine. Movie ends, and Gid was saying how Mel lied and all. Godwin whacks my head again for not lending her my jacket.
So, 3 of us say goodbye to Mike, Gid, Zhang, and Job, and head off to Bishan MRT Station. Mel wanted to take the scenic route, so we took the MRT to Jurong East; a pity it was so dark, though. Couldn't see much, and it was really crowded. Headed home, watched 12 Kingdoms and Inu-Yasha, and slept.
Next day: Mike helps me with stuff related to my story.
Mel gets into argument with Mike. Apparently she doesn't like Mike because he's good at so many things. Thanks for defending me, though, Mike. I appreciate it alot. =)
I just hope Godwin doesn't whack me on the head anymore. It's starting to get to my nerves.
(If you're wondering why I'm not calling Mel Mera anymore, it's because they're different. Melissa = Melissa. Mera = Mera. Melissa =/= Mera. I liked Mera. Mera would be what Melissa used to be, not what she is now.)
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Well, guess what? I'm not. I'm starting today.
Today we *Shao Nian Shi Ban (Teenager's Choir)* had to sing Silent Night for the Church. Not bad, but some people said Xi Wen Lao Shi (Our Conductor) didn't sing that well (He sang the 2nd verse.). At least now I know the tenor part. =)
Sam, Esther, and Hui Yi got baptized today, too. Good for them. =) I have to wait 3 more years, and so does Gwin (because of me, actually. Mom wants us to be baptized together.)
Headed home, tried to play Stepmania, but playing Quasar *A song no one I know can pass.* too many times got to me. So I headed upstairs, and slept. When I woke up, poof! Mera just came in through the door. Gwin was saying how I wasn't helping with the luggage. Bleh.
Mera's still the same. Quite quirky, quite nice, still female. That's good.
She still has a habit of picking on me. That's not good.
She still calls me Herissa and Gwin Guinevere (sp?). That's not good.
She still sounds melodramatic at times. That's... don't ask me.
She's still my cousin. That's good.
She's improved slightly on her Chinese. That's pretty good.
Went to Grandfather's place after that, and then off to eat Steamboat. I was forced by mom to have to help get food for Mera at times. *sigh* She even put vegetables on my bowl, saying how healthy it was for me and such. Mera only realized it was steamboat after 20 minutes or so. o_O
Mera: I thought it was soup.
Headed back after that, and played cards. Namely, Go Fish, Tai Ti, and nearly got to play Bluff. Mera lost the first game of Go Fish and started to act as if she would lose every other single game. Ended up she only lost one game of Go Fish, and managed not to be last for the rest. She didn't do too well for Tai Ti, though.
Matt's coming on Friday, Friends coming on Tuesday, might have to go for Badminton on Wednesday. still have to find out Mera's FP and FF account. Bleh. And I haven't even finished my Chinese Assignment yet. Bleh.
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Phantom Brave, for PS2. (Whee, *huggles*)
Star Ocean 3: Till The End of Time (Darn laggy, but *huggles anyway*)
Gradius V (Squee! *Huggles*)
Gundam SEED: Owaranai no Ashita he! / Gundam SEED: To the Neverending Tomorrow! (*Huggles*)
Kingdom Hearts (Finally, my own copy! *Huggles*)
Suikoden III (Finally, no more problems! *Huggles*)
Shadow Hearts (I've no idea why I asked Sis to buy this for me, but what the hey! *Huggles*)
5 RPGs, 1 Shmup (Shoot'em-ups), 1 Action RPG. Squee! *Huggles all the games*
Phantom Brave progress: Currently at Episode 6, Chapter 1. Phantom Brave is fun and cute! I <3 Marona.
Marona: Hey! That must be him! *Points at zombie*
Ash: *Whacks head* You can't be serious...
Marona: Are you Scarlet the Brave?
Zombie: Gwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrghhhhhhhh... Bbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnssssssssssssssssssss....
Marona: o_O
Ash: ...
Star Ocean 3 progress: In Arias currently, bleh, everyone's weak, and I'm broke with 7k Fol. =\ =/ Darn laggy too, my bro spent 7 minutes looking at a giant spider spasm ingme. If not for the extreme lag, squee! *Huggles*
Gradius V: Darn fun, but darn hard too. Especially level 4 onwards. Bleh. Stuck at level 5. Otherwise, squee! It's fun! *Huggles*
Suikoden III: Fun. =) 108 Characters always was a fun thing. =) Squee! *Huggles*
Gundam SEED: Owaranai no Ashita he! : Darn fun, but Freedom Gundam *Gwin* vs. Astray Red Frame *Watashi* is kinda hard now because Freedom's so strong now. Don't even get me started on the M.E.T.E.O.R. system. Then again, none of you know about these things because Kidz Central hasn't even gone that far in Gundam SEED to talk about Freedom and M.E.T.E.O.R, and Astray Red Frame's from Gundam SEED: Astray. =) Definitely a *huggle* though. =) *Huggles*
Went archery-ing with JX and Celeste. o_O 1 1/2 hour of Archery, my fingers hurt now. Pulling that bow string, keeping the bow straight and taking aim is a pain. I wonder how JX does it. I screwed up really badly, though. ________________________________________v-----What I hit.
Me_____10m_______First Target_____10m______2nd Target
Sad, ain't it. JX kept hitting the middle area *Not bull's eyes.* And I managed to chip off the wood holding up the target. XTargetX *X = wood stand* I chipped off just the point inbetween the target and X. I'm good, huh.
After that, headed with JX to IMM to have a snack. Ate Hershey's Sundae Pie, which tastes like Wei Hua's Ice Cream Birthday Cake. IOW, it tastes good.
aeRO Progress: Yay, finally joined a somewhat active guild. iPod *should know him if you stay around in Morroc PvP*'s the leader, and he's a neat Sniper. Two of us single-handedly brought down 1 castle in WoE. Then it fell 5 minutes later to a Knight with a Priest. Meh.
Then, we got a priest *iPod's friend's account*, extaliber *Lord Knight*, Agent Ass *Hunter. 'nice' name.*, me *Wizzy*, and AznPriest *Guess.* and took over Al De Baran (Or Luina, to be exact)'s lower left castle. =) Then? Server Disconnected. Meh. When we came back, WHOA! A whole ton of monsters infested the castle.
In the emperium room, there were: Khalitzburgs, Abyss Knights, Bloody Knights, Clocks, Clock Tower Managers, Raydric and Raydric Archers, Wandermen, Evil Druids and TWO Lord of Darknesses. Average 5-7 of each class. =)
In the agitation room *weird name, I know*, there were: Mystelltains, Executioners, Abyss Knights, Bloody Knights, Clocks, Alarms, Raydric Archers, Penomenas, Khalitzburgs, and Evil Druids. Average 3-5 of each class. =)
Went Storm Gust-Happy in the Emperium room. I mean, why not? The room was designed somewhat in a squarish spiral fashion; square inside square inside square. It was easy to clear the top layer, and after that we would just snipe the next layer till it was empty, and go down and destroy the center. iPod, Agent Ass, and I took out the entire Emperium Room, BOTH Lord of Darknesses included! Amazing, eh. Brought up my Wizard's exp by 21%, so now it's 42% to Lv.93. Squee! I got a Grimtooth and a Bone Helm from the Lord of Darkness, but I destroyed the Grimtooth by overupgrading it a tad. =\ Tough luck. Big meh, eh? Oh well, a winnar is moi! =)
Whee, choir's got a performance this Sunday, and we only found out yester-yesterday, which was last Sunday. Our only practise is on Friday. WHOOO-PIE. Geez, I don't even have the music score? What am I supposed to do? *Ask Michael to help while you slack away, duh. >_> <_<* And Finale Notepad doesn't work, either! Geez!
Mel's coming to Singapore Thursday evening! She's headed to her paternal cousin's house, then heading to ours this Sunday. Squee! *I would huggle Mel but I'd rather not.*
Monday, November 29, 2004
Bu Dao Hui: Aftermath
(Bu Dao Hui --> My favourite song. Would type the others, but it's a pain to do so.)
Aftermath of Bu Dao Hui: Lunch! at Grand Plaza Parkroyal, 2nd Floor, Ballroom A. Surprisingly small for a Ballroom. >_> We had buffet there, surprisingly small amounts for a buffet. <_<>
After a while, Uncle Peter came and tried to strangle Hui Yi for skipping Choir Practice just to come here. Good thing Xi Wen Lao Shi slacks a bit. But he plays tricks on us *He made Gwin and I think that there was choir practise for the previous 2 weeks, when there wasn't. Argh.*
Sam also came at this time, along with Esther!
Hui Yu (Sec1): Hey look, the Oink Oink Family is here! *No idea where she got that from.*
Gwin, I: o_O
Hui Yu (JC1): Sam, Esther and your family took the car, right?
Sam: Yeah, along with Pastor Liu.
Hui Yu (JC1): Oh, the spectators.
*Esther goes to sit at table next to us*
Hui Yu (Sec1): Sam, is Esther now part of the Oink Oink Family?
*Gwin and I start laughing*
Sam: Hey, what is it? *Looks at Gwin laughing really hard*Gwin: *Laughing* ...sorry *Laughs again*
Sam: *Strangles Gwin, leaves*
Gwin: Ow... why do I have to get whacked for your jokes?Watashi: Because you’re the one who laughed the loudest?
Gwin: ...good point. o_O;;
After that, I took the napkin and tried to fold a Pirate Bandana *RO stuff* out of it. could wrap around my head. Sam helped me tie it, of course. (Gwin: o_O) After a while, Si Jia did it too =P (Me: o_O) Sam headed over to our seat, along with Esther. Then Gwin and I went Frenzy-tea Drinking (Well, as close to it as we could go.) Raw Sugar is nice.
After that, Lawrence-san was forced to sing when the video in front (Showing our singing during actual event) went to Shen Zhen Hao (Lyrics above, Lawrence-San was the Solo, we were the chorus.) then during the dance we tried to force Hui Yi (Sec1) To dance (She was one of the dancers during the later part of the song). She even wore the same T-shirt she wore on the event.
After that, we sang Happy Birthday for Mrs. Conductress and Hui Yi (JC1) and ate some chocolate cake. Lawrence-San gave us some spearmints, so we emptied the contents and left the case as it is. We put back the wrappers nicely so it'd look like it was real and full.
After we left Grand Plaza Parkroyal, Gwin and I went around Orchard to go shopping. Normal people go around shopping for clothes (I hear it's because of this concept called 'fashion'. Will have to check it out sometime. Seems lame to me, though.) Gwin and I went around window-shopping Gundam Models. We saw some 1/100 fully assembled models and even a 1/100 FULLY PAINTED AILE STRIKE~! That = teh kewlness if ya didn't know. Then we went to Marina Square (In reality, we were searching around Suntec first. >_>) to buy what we were looking for: Jap Training Swords.
They had Shinais, Bos, and Boukens there. Shinais = $37, Bos = $20-30, didn't check exact price. Shoulda been $27 IIRC. Bouken = $22. Bought a bouken. =)
Teh Bouken howeva can break bones, a light tap from it is like a medium punch from me. One good whack from teh Bouken = teh broken bones. =)
RO: Yay, Gwin's now a Paladin. My Wiz is now Lv.91! Pity Mirith is leaving. She gave St. Ravensmith a Mistress Card. Lucky him. *She gave me a Bapho doll last time round, still have it. =)* I needa find a Priest/Priestess who'll party with me now. *sigh*
Stepmania: Feh, Gid and Gwin aren't that good at Stepmania. BUT GWIN'S STILL BETTER THAN J00, ZHANG! (Dunno about Gid, though.) =P Gid actually wanted to challenge me at Stepmania, and he can't pass Sync Beginner (1 Footer). =P Then he saw me do Hubba Hubba Zoot Zoot Oni and decided not to =P
Gid came to mah house tday. Muahaha, he suxxorz at Time Crisis 3 (Gid: 'NADE THIS! 'NADE THAT! 'NADE EVERYTHING! Gwin and I: ._.) But he still beat Georgiro Zott and Mr. Ninjathimgammowithoutaname in Time Crisis 3! Arghz. Then he tried Stepmania and phailed Sync Beginner. Gwin passed Hubba Hubba Zoot Zoot Light (Meh, good for him, a 70+ combo. Can ya believe it? o_O) And Gid is teh huge complainah at MoH:RS. *j00 c4mp4h! CHEETAH!* Bleh, I still get more kills than you. Muahaha~ =P
Whee, Mel's coming next Sunday. =) Don't bug me then, and don't bug her. (Except maybe Gid, because he's my neighbour.) =P
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Bu Dao Hui --> Over!
Was standing next to Fan Shi, behind Sam "Mak" Sim and other Sam. IOW, Square. Would've preferred Marcus, though, but that's selfish of me. Anyway.
Will be posting the songs we sang here later, all Chinese, unless people want English versions too, =P
The play midway was pretty nice. People laughed at the jokes and clapped at the end, though it is kinda doubtful that all of them got the message about time and the lack of it. Then again, Toki No Tenshi appeared 3 times to say the same thing, so I'm pretty sure they could get the message *Bad OM Pun if you didn't get it.*
Backstage, however...
*Me and Sam Sim*: Hei Bai Pei! Nan Sheng Nu Sheng Pei! Ji Gou Pa! Zha! Combat Missions! Scissors Paper Stone!
Fan Shi: Hey, look at this paper T-Shirt. It's from the Church *"CHURCH" Printed on the back of the paper T-shirt*.
Fan Shi (Again): Shen me shi Hong She Wu Mi Chang Chang Zai Di Di Xia Xi Huan Chi Shi Tou Da Guai Shou Ne?
Everyone: ...
Me: Sitting with legs stretched out.
Lawrence-san: *Sits next to me in the same position*
Me: Lies down, legs stretched out in the air.
Lawrence-san: Meh. *Leaves* (Ok, he didn't actually say that.)
Me: Hey, couldya get my water for me?
Gwin: Ok. (Good thing too, that's the only thing keeping my throat alive.)
After that, singing again for one last 1/2 hour. =) Darn tiring, especially the last stretch. I used up so much air in my stomach (Not chest, compared to some people out there.) that it hurt, kinda. Well, that's 16 beats of FF-volume for ya.
Met Yu Le at the end of the Bu Dao Hui. Taller and better-looking, and less crude in speech now, and he's taking his 5th year in Well, good luckies to him.
Pastor Chao was here, his family wasn't. Oh well, that means 5 months without ever seeing Chao Ke Xin. Meh, I'm starting to miss her as much as I miss Mel.
Went to Bishan Sports Complex with ZQ, Mike and Poonie to play badminton. Mr.Poon was too good with his right hand so he played with his left. Bleargh.
Lost to Mike, Mr.Poon, AND Zhang. *sigh* I'm getting WAY out of form these days. I'll wait for Jar to come back, and I'll play him again. Need practise. And to this I say: MEH.
After that, headed to Junction 8. No more arcade there. And to that I say: MEH. Memories flow back. I was here with Cleon walking around after we finished watching Van Helsing. That was a few months ago. Surprisingly, he wasn't getting any attention unlike the person who lives 10m away from me.
Last year, Gid and I (with help from ZQ) played a prank on Mike here. We went to his birthday party, though we were technically uninvited. We used the excuse of wanting to watch Ong Bak Muay Thai Warrior at J8, so we followeth them. We also had to make sure we moved quickly, so people wouldn't catch us; It was a precaution just in case Zhang couldn't distract them long enough. Well, guess he did hold them off long enough for us to get into the movie theater (waiting took 5 minutes; Zhang either did a really good job or they were walking around out of boredom. Gid and I hid at the bottom part of the staircase.), then proceed to get into our seats, lie low so we wouldn't be seen easily, and keep watch over when Mike and co were coming. Guess where they sat? 2 rows behind us. It was scary, the feeling of being caught red-handed by one of the 7-8 people in Mike's invitees. Oh well, Matrix Revolutions was pretty nice.
Back to the present and not the past, I headed to Comics Connection to take a look whether Rave #30 was out. It's coming out this month, just not yet... ;_; Comics Connection has more Master-Grade Models nowadays. Happy. =)
Headed for dinner after that. Destination: Food Court --> Teppanyaki Counter --> Peppered Beef Teppanyaki. Pretty good and filling for $9.80 food. Took a bit of food from Mr.Poon.
Walked around for a while after that, and headed home. Whee, got myself two cute little Gundam SEED Figurines. They sit on Haroes and they're really cute. I got Cagalli and Kira: The two cute siblings.
I'm getting better at Stepmania. I can A majority of Heavy Songs I have. 'A' by DJ. Amuro's pretty nice. Now I can so-so read 600BPM, but I still prefer 500BPM. Much easier to look.
I've started to like a particular song: Cartoon Heroes.
We are what we're supposed to be
Illusions of your fantasy
All dots and lines that speak and say
What we do is what you wish to do
We are the color symphony
We do the things you want to see
Frame by frame, to the extreme
Our friends are so unreasonable
They do the unpredictable
All dots and lines that speak and say
What we do is what you wish to do
It's all an orchestra of strings
Doing unbelievable things
Frame by frame, to the extreme
One by one we're making it fun
We are the cartoon heroes, oh
We are the ones who are gonna last forever
We came out of a crazy mind, oh
And walked out on a piece of paper and...
Here comes Spiderman, arachnophobian
Welcome to the toon town party
Here comes Superman, from never neverland
Welcome to the toon town party
There's still more to come
And everyone will be
Welcomed at the toon (toon) town (town) party!
I miss Mel.
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Bu Dao Hui
Monday: Went with Mike, ZQ, Gid, Kevvy Wong, Mr.Poon and Gwinny to Orchard Cineleisure yesterday to watch The Incredibles. Nice movie, but it's a really big parody of the Fantastic 4. There's also this huge figurine (I've forgotten the exact term) of the director of LotR over there. Gwin and Gid were commenting on how much it looked like a slimmer Michael Moore.
After that, we headed to Burger King. New thing I learnt: Never challenge the drink first thing.
After that? Off to bowling! Yeah right. Darn thing was closed, so we headed to the arcade. SOMEBODY wanted to go to the KBox, but we decided not to for fear of being kicked out because of someone's performance.
As I said, we headed for the arcade. Wanted to try out the DDR Machine, but too many girls were trying, so I just looked from the side. Oh well. I guess it's still SM for me. =)
Gwin and I wanted to challenge each other on Garou: Mark of the Wolves, with the typical Freeman vs. Terry match, but noo, the machine just had to be problematic. We also wanted to try out Time Crisis 2, but noo, so many people were playing. Btw, Mike, that's not how you play it. The guy next to Mike, though... amazing. That's the 2nd time I've ever seen a person beat the game. Oh well, so much for Gwin and I.
In the end, what were the two of us reduced to? Darn hockey-thingammo game. He beat me 13-9 (or 8, I've forgotten.). Argh.
Walked around looking at others, and then I came back to see Mike, Zhang, Gid and Poonie playing Daytona-forgot the title. Gid was the maniac, Poonie was the safe, Zhang was the speedster and Mike was the other safey. Meh, among them, only Zhang and Poonie knew how to drive for nuts.
Then? Romance of the 3 Kingdoms, arcade-style! Gid chose Zhu-Ge Liang, I chose Zhang Fei. I ended up dying quicker, but got 4x the score Gid got. IOW, Gid = more conservative. Meh. Gwin took a round on it too, lasted about as long as me. There was this other guy playing it, he was quite good.
Then? DOA! I went on it, and beat Mr.Poon 5-4 because I went easy on him the 8th round just so I could have a close match. Lesson I learnt: Don't talk to people while playing. Distracts you and costs you the game with ZQ. Argh, I would've beat him, 'cept I was talking to Gwin during the waiting game. So, I asked Mike to beat him so I could play Mike. What did Mike do? Lose 5-3. Sad and pathetic. What did he do? Challenge him again. Oh well, didn't bother to check the score that time, because I was looking at my bro play Virtual One!
Virtual One is something like your Gundam 3-D Battle game. My bro got past the 1st round and died at the 2nd. The 2nd Mecha looks like Elly (Elly Van Houten, if you still don't know, Xenogears.)'s Vierge, being pink and having hearts fly around.
Came back and accepted a challenge by Poonie to SF3 Alpha. Beat him because his controls were faulty. Didn't know how to play the game, so I decided to lose the challenger fight against E. Honda. I went over to take a look at what the opponent looked like: IT WAS A DARN 10-11 YEAR OLD KID!~ Argh, felt angry at myself for losing to someone like that, even though I did it on purpose. Oh well...
Left the arcade and headed to Newton MRT. Gwin and I were joking about going into Waffletown at that weird place. ...been a long time since I went there. Fond memories. Been a long time since I ate waffles, too. ...sad.
Took a break at 7-11, where Gid was commenting on how the condoms never had any price tags on them. I was asking Gwin if Mel'd kill me for buying Hello Kitty games for her. Gwin said she would, so I asked him if Sis (Who is 24 and married, if you're wondering) would kill me for buying Hello Kitty games for her. Gwin told me that life was meant to be enjoyed and not wasted in 13 years. Guess he's right.
Headed into ACSP, where I got a pack of cards from Poonie. Headed in Media Club room, kinda the 6HIan's 'territory'. Played Tai Ti with Gwin, Zhang, and Mike. Mike sucks, otherwise Zhang and Gwin were good. Mr.Poon took over Zhang at times, and he's really good at Tai Ti. Oh well. None of them know how to play River Poker.
Gwin says he'll never go with my friends if Michael's coming. Who can blame him? Michael wanted to sing.
Headed home kinda late (6 or so). Hehe.
Tuesday & Wednesday: Bu Dao Hui Technical Run and Bu Dao Hui Full-Dress Rehersal. Never before has my throat desired water so badly. Which means I'm singing, not slacking. That's a good thing, considering there's 100 or so pages to sing. Luckily, it's over a span of 2 hours, so it isn't exactly hell, per se. On Wed, we saw a video of how we performed on Tuesday. My head shakes alot, ne. o_O Gwin, Fan Shi, Sam, Esther, Hui Yi, and the other two girls I've forgotten the names of were giggling slightly. But hey, if it isn't something to be ashamed of, it's something to be proud of! Gwin just concluded that I was kinda on crack.
Sam was wearing his graduation pants, which he's worn 3 times, Wednesday being his 3rd (He didn't wear it on Tuesday). I'm wearing SJAB Pants and Boots, Sam's wearing Graduation pants and NCC Air Boots, Gwin's just wearing black pants and black boots, Fan Shi's wearing Band Pants and Boots. Whee. Sam says that in Catholic High, their SJAB Boots have metal pieces at the base so it sounds louder when they stamp. Kinda o_O, don'tcha think.
I pity Si Jia. She has to wear this white dress that's so frilly it looks like those wedding gowns. Except she's 13. She also has to wear this gigantic biscuit-like thing that resembles a clock's face, since she's the Toki no Tenshi. What does Marcus have to wear? Schoolbag, T-shirt, and pants. And Marcus gets to drink water as part of the play! I want some water midway too. Geez.
Singing's fine, except on Wednesday where everyone screwed up the near-end of the final song. T'was a really interesting sight. How often do 50+ people synchronize screw-ups?
Whee, here's hoping I do well tomorrow and Saturday.
And here's also hoping my bro'll meet more of my friends.
... and here's also that Mike won't drive my brother away by singing.
... or maybe get better at it. Oh well. *cheers with Mug Beer*
Sunday, November 14, 2004
Yesterday was the ISO Presentation. Whee, pretty smooth, except I was there from 7am to 5 pm. Geez, way to go. Generally it was pretty smooth, except that we didn't really get much chances to sit.
There was this girl who was talking with some of the 1.12 people. Eventually she got our emails. She was calling me sexist and such and said she was sorry and meant it a joke when I had the slightest twitch on my face. Seriously, did I look that sad? Maybe it's something about girls.
Oh well, she got my email. I'm expecting one unknown person to add me to her contact list now. Oh well. Shaun kinda agrees with me: This kinda socializing is kinda stupid.
Eka for once wasn't the crowd of attention among the girls. A little kid from ACSP 5H was. Name? Ryan Tan Jun Yi. He was the 4th presentor in my group, and was really annoying to have around since all the girls kept chasing him.
Flashback 1:
Watashi: Ryan, are you ok with those girls constantly chasing you around like that?
Ryan: Obviously not!
Watashi: Ok, then. Hide here, and don't go out. Ok?
*Ryan looks out of window to see our emcee talking to some girls. Really close to the door we're behind, if you're wondering.*
Flashback 2:
Watashi: *Looks out of window, looking at Eka, Shaun Ong, Ellius, and others at the 1st floor.*
Random NYGS Girls: Oh my gosh, Eka's so CYUUUUUTE!
Watashi: *Looks at Shaun Ong point at the girls. Eka sees them and runs behind pillar.*
NYGS Girl 1: He runs so CYUUUUUTE!
NYGS Girl 2: He runs so gay!
NYGS Girl 1: He runs cute!
NYGS Girl 2: Like a gay...
Watashi: o_O
Flashback 3:
NYGS Girl in my presentation group (Now known as NYGS Girl A): Ryan, why is it that in your presentation, your measurements are in feet, and not cm?
Ryan: Oh, that's because feet is a smaller measurement, and if it was in cm it would be bigger, and people don't like big numbers. Besides, the measuring tape was in feet.
Emcee, Watashi and Jarrel: o_O
NYGS Girl A *To her partner NYGS Girl 2*: He's so cute!
Flashback 4:
Emcee: Ryan, stop running around on all fours!
Ryan: *Runs into AVA Room 1 on all fours*
Watashi: Ryan, stop crawling around.
Ryan: *Continues running around on all fours*
Emcee, Watashi: *Whacks heads and groans*
Flashback 5:
NYGS Girl A: Ryan, do you think you'll receive any questions during your presentation?
Ryan: Oh, I already asked someone to ask a question, so I can inject humour into my presentation.
NYGS Girl A: He's so CYUUTE! So scheming!
Watashi *To emcee*: He's so bored.
Emcee: ...
I would add in more flashbacks, but I can't think of any right now.
Sunday, November 07, 2004
I generally would relax, but this time I actually don't want to screw up my ISO Presentation nor my Bu Dao Hui (Not a single note of the 100-120+ pages.). So, *sigh* this'll be tough. Oh well, at least my poster is in order compared to Shaun's, which isn't. =P
aeRO's working fine again! And there's a team tournament coming up soon! The winner's team gets 240 million zeny! Or split up into roughly 34.3 mil each. If only I had a team... =( Me, JX, Teck, Lou Ee, my bro, nah... only 5 people. Oh well.
Aharhar, ZQ. That's how you play Stepmania =P
I think I should make an OM blog soon and give permission to the OM team to use. =) That'll be pretty useful.
Maybe a 1.12 Blog too, and give permission to any 1.12 bloggers. Which obviously does not include Michael. =P
I think I'm going to change the layout soon. Stay tuned, or don't. =P
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
I think it's because we have two drastic groups in OM: Leaders and Followers.
Hen, Gid, Isaac.
Herr, Job, Kev.
Josh is somewhere in the middle.
Problem with the followers is that they don't stand up enough. Problem with the leaders is that they're too dominating. Problem with Josh is that he just slacks most of the time.
Which leader do the followers follow? It's too confusing for us. Stop saying we don't contribute at all and start thinking how much room we have to contribute, and that almost every single idea of ours is tossed aside.
*sigh* Shepard's OM team was alot betto stoopid.haiz.rush to around the gblock,canteen,mini-forum,pratically around the sch to look fer squadmates.found themm in the mini-forum.stoopid la.made me run around.they actually mobil.IM PISSED themm my blackk face cuz im so tired and pissed and they are actually laughing and PISSED!!!!cth themm.CTH CTH CTH!!!i heard her voice.creeps.i hate her voice and her disgusting attitude.pretend to be if lor.i have seen your true colours liao.hahas.dunn act to be like an angel in front of me.left fer queenstown library immediately cuz i dunn wanna stayed back and waste my time and get more PISSED.thank goodness by then she had left liao(: to another person:save all your fake 'are you okay' to others,i dunn need them.they are like trash to me.obviously i dunn look alright right.obviously im PISSED right.tok nonsense.juz make me more you and you off you hp.wads hp fer?fer communication la.wads the pt of havin a hp when you off it|:
ihateTHEM- im
I think it's because we have two drastic groups in OM: Leaders and Followers.
Hen, Gid, Isaac.
Herr, Job, Kev.
Josh is somewhere in the middle.
Problem with the followers is that they don't stand up enough. Problem with the leaders is that they're too dominating. Problem with Josh is that he just slacks most of the time.
Which leader do the followers follow? It's too confusing for us. Stop saying we don't contribute at all and start thinking how much room we have to contribute, and that almost every single idea of ours is tossed aside.
*sigh* Shepard's OM team was alot bettl De l�Avagour, 1 Place du
Champs is a treasure � one of the most comfortable, reasonably priced hotels in
France. Best hotel in Dinan by far. The staff are so helpful and friendly.
Beautiful gardens overlooking the Town wall � the bedrooms overlooking these
gardens are very quiet. Thoroughly recommended and reasonably priced.
Hotel Challonge 29, Place Duguesclin has just 19 rooms and is cheaper than the
De l�Avagour.
Hotel Jerzual, is a Best Western Hotel and is situated a long way from the old
town of Dinan � on the opposite side of the Rance River, in fact out of Dinan,
in the old port town of Lanvallay. The walk to and from the old town to this
hotel is fine - if you are preparing for the Marathon and a car is necessary but
a hassle to manoeuvre and park.
Rue de Petite Fort winds steeply from the old town to the old port Couple of
Nightclubs in Rue de la Cordonnerie � Les Templiers and the next door premises
both we
I think it's because we have two drastic groups in OM: Leaders and Followers.
Hen, Gid, Isaac.
Herr, Job, Kev.
Josh is somewhere in the middle.
Problem with the followers is that they don't stand up enough. Problem with the leaders is that they're too dominating. Problem with Josh is that he just slacks most of the time.
Which leader do the followers follow? It's too confusing for us. Stop saying we don't contribute at all and start thinking how much room we have to contribute, and that almost every single idea of ours is tossed aside.
*sigh* Shepard's OM team was alot better. Why? Because they actually bothered to split the work up. Henry here says that we must all do the work together. Sure, that's fine, but didn't we make ALOT more progress on the last OM Meeting? Why? Because we bothered to split ourselves into two groups? Yep. That time, we had one leader on each side and two followers. For my group, it was Henry. For Gid's group, it was him. In the end, everyone worked together to integrate the ideas. That's the point where everyone comes together. The final part.
IOW, I'm thinking that Kev and I should make a script first, then everyone finalizes it. Two other people work on technicalities and stuff while another works on scenes and stuff. That's pretty fine division.
Well, let's just see how Hen'll do things on the next meeting. I don't think I need to push my idea forward.
3rd Lang Listings
J2C (Monday and Wednesday):
Lui Wen Qi (I s'ppose only Gid, YM and Sammy Ng know her.)
J2K (Wednesday and Friday):
Teacher: Ms. Koh.
Timothy Liang
Tan Jun Yi
Leong Sheu Zhi (Lol, this is good.)
J2N (Tuesday and Thursday):
Teacher: Mr. Tan.
Herrick Ong (I wonder who this is...)
Michael Wee (Geez.)
Gan Zhang Quan (Expected.)
Sheryl Teo (This will be interesting...)
Justin Ng (Yay.)
J2M (Tuesday and Thursday):
Mrs. Chua.
Gideon Yap (Aw, sad.)
Samuel Teo (._. He said he would be with us... oh well ._.)
French Listings:
F2D (Tuesday and Thursday):
Lye Yu Min.
F2K (Tuesday and Thursday):
Jarrel Seah
Joshua Rene.
F2L (Tuesday and Thursday):
Darren Wee
Rajesh s/o Ravi
Christopher Ko Zi Jie / Cristoph.
German Listings:
G2C (Tuesday and Friday):
Ang Seng Wei
Tan Lou Ee.
Malay Listings:
MSP2E (Monday and Wednesday):
Juztin James Tong.
I guess you can kinda see a caste in performance?
Thursday, October 28, 2004
I said the f-word for the 3rd time this year.
1st time among my friends.
Already I cannot remember what I said prior to that.
My friends were shocked.
"Wow, I'm so proud of you, Herrick."
"There's a first time for everything, Herrick."
Insensitive bastards.
I started thinking about what I'd become.
I can already picture them.
"Oh, it's nothing, Herrick."
"Everyone does it, Herrick."
I only realise on this day,
After fighting what I damn,
I learn now with much dismay,
Soon I'll be one of them.
... I shouldn't be talking about such stuff.
Today I went with my family to a buffet.
$30+ a person. $150 or so total.
The food there was good.
Teppanyaki, Crocodile Soup.
Smoked Salmon, Sashimi.
Crabs along with Shark Fin Soup.
Oysters paired with Herbal Tea.
Other stuff too, but I've forgotten.
All that matters is what I've eaten.
Btw, Strike Rogue I.W.S.P (G.SEED Destiny) rocks!
Mr. Daniel Tan didn't manage to fulfill his promise.
I'm taking on 8-9 footers. I need to use two hands to manage certain songs. I still can't handle Max. (period) Light and plenty other Max songs on Standard. Oh well.
Yay, JX, Teik Siang and Lou Ee have all started play aeRO.
Matthew Moh may try, but I don't think I'll party with him anyway.
Yet to find Teik Siang or JX, but at least I know their screennames.
Lou Ee I just plain dunno.
Gwinny is at 91. Mera (Argh, can't change names.) is at 75. Demel is also at 75.
Friday, October 22, 2004
Movie Reviews
Princess Mononoke: Ashitaka, the protagonist, is attacked by a Tatarigami Boar on the arm while trying to save the village from it. He then has to leave his village as the Tatarigami's curse has been passed onto him via the attack on his wound. He hears a tale of the Shishigami and decides to head that way. He ends up in Tataraba, a city which is trying to hunt down the Shishigami. He also meets the Mononoke Clan in the process, and ends up trying to defend it along with saving the Shishigami.
Graphics: Well done, but what'd you expect when it's by the creators of Spirited Away?
Story: Pretty nice, though quite sad at times, like Okkotonoburi's (sp?) death. ) :
Characters: I really like the development of San, and how she keeps thinking she's a Mountain Dog because of the way she was brought up.
Sound: Can't complain, from 1997 it's real good.
Replayability: What'm I doing? This isn't a game...
The Day After Tomorrow: A hole is found in the troposphere and our main character trys to warn the President about this incoming threat. When talks fail and disaster strikes, he goes all out to save his own son who is stuck in a library trying to last out the storm.
Graphics: Hey, it's good, that's all I need to say.
Characters: No complaints.
Story: Quite alot of End-of-world Movies out there already, but at least this is more realistic than the others (Not by much, of course).
Sound: Nice...
Neko no Ongaeshi: Haru is a normal schoolgirl who ends up saving Prince Rune of the Kingdom of Cats. The Cat King wishes to marry Haru to Prince Rune and bring Haru into the Kingdom of Cats. She goes to the Cat Post Office to seek help, and receives the assistance of Baron, Muta and Toto. Haru gets dragged into the Kingdom of Cats and after a long time, manages to exit.
Story: Everything's fine.
Characters: Haru is developed quite well, and her crush on Baron is well shown, like when her whiskers grew while she was in Baron's arms. Also, Muta provides good comic relief with the mural of him. However, given the 1-hour timespan, other characters like Yuki, Rune and Toto aren't very well developed.
Graphics: Refer to what I said for Mononoke Hime.
Sound: It's hard doing a tlak on the sound. I'm giving up.
Minority Report: Precrime is a thriving concept in Washington DC with a murder rate of JERO! Everything seems fine for John Anderton, the chief of the Precrime Department, until he is chased for future murder of Leo Crow in 36 hours. He attempts to find out what is going on with help of Agatha, a Precon.
Graphics: Dude, the CGI is overwhelming.....
Characters: Agatha rocks! That's about it.
Story: Seems complicated at first, but everything sorts itself out later. The concept's quite simple in reality. Just remember, Minority Reports are made, not born. =P
Rurouni Kenshin - Reminisence/ Trust and Betrayal: The OVA Prequel of Rurouni Kenshin the Anime Series. Compared to the anime, this is far more gory (Then again, that's because he actually kills here.). Kenshin and the Choshu Clan are trying to overthrow the Tokugawa Government. That's the main thing they're doing.
Story: The story is just so sad... ;_; I nearly wanted to cry at one point.
Many symbols are used in the OVA, like the Iris and Sakura used to symbolize Tomoe and her fiance, the Brandished Blade and its Sheath to symbolize Kenshin and Tomoe, Sake as a symbol of the mood, the Iris' thriving in the rain of blood, the dragonflies and fireflies, Kenshin's top, Tomoe's dagger, and even more in place. The story's really nicely written, and the theme of protection comes up many times. The story has shown its irony very effectively, showing how Sakura, Akane, Kasumi and Hiko protecting Kenshin from death, to Hiko teaching Kenshin Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu to avoid entering such a situation again, to the end of the story where he needs to be protected from death again. It's just stunningly beautiful.
Characters: Tomoe is very well developed in the OVA, from her sadness of her fiance's death, to hatred for Kenshin, to love for Kenshin, to her death. Kenshin is placed in an entirely different light from the righteous-virtuous Kenshin one sees in the Anime series. It very nicely shows his emotions and his love for Tomoe.
Yay, I'm officially a Lance Corporal in SJAB now. John Ang took the Best S1 Cadet for 2k4, and I'm happy for him. Surprisingly, Swaminathan actually thought I would be the Best S1 Cadet. Whee, I'm better than I thought.
"Hey Herrick, what's your results average?"
"Damn bad lah, 69 only."
"Don't worry, you can do better next time."
Wow, the first time Alexius actually said something nice to me, I guess he isn't THAT bad after all. Yay, a happy is me.
Chi Karaoke Competition today. Surprisingly, Nicholas, my library leader, went inside, and actually got a commendation award (IOW Top 5 out of 8). Yay to Nick, we're gonna tease him next Fri.
*To the tune of We Are Singapore*
"Wo Shi Wang De Jin, Wo Shi Wang De Jin, Yi Men Dou Yao Juan Gei Wo De Yao Yao Ba
(I am Ong Teck Chin, I am Ong Teck Chin, you all must donate to 118.)
*Nazeda? Nazeda Otsu wo Kairimasenka?!* Kenshin, Rurouni Kenshin: Betrayal.
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Exam results
Jap: Dunno, but I most likely got A1. Should be same with Zhang, so I'm gonna see who got higher.
Eng: Meh, B3...
Lsc: A1 o_O
Math: A2.
Psc: B3...
Hist: B4 ;_;
Chi: B4 ;_;
Art: Dunno, hopefully A2...
Geog: B3...
Lit: B3...
Yay, working on my very first stepmania file ever. The song's Believe, the 3rd OP of Gundam SEED (Which most likely won't be shown here because everyone loves the 1st OP so much they tossed the 2nd.)
Stepmania progress: Yay, I can handle 6-7 footers now. Can manage Sakura on Standard and almost dying. ;_; Hope I get better.
RO progress: Yay, aeRO's improving... :)
Life progress: Eh... =P
Saturday, October 16, 2004
You start out with limitless potential, but time is always shaving away the possibilities. Every choice you make is the choice not to do a thousand other things. What's important, when all is said and done, is that you make a difference. Your choices, and everything undone, have to mean something. Otherwise, what's the point? I'm lucky that way. My path was already there. I only had to walk it. I often thought even if no one knew of the good I had done with my life, it didn't matter. That is was done is all that counts in the end.
But then I died, and I hadn't gotten to do any of it yet." Black Belt, 8-Bit Theater, Episode 471: First Attack.
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Ever Snow
konna ni suki na kimochi ga afureru...
kanashii hodo soba ni itakute demo
kimi no senaka kasunde yuku yo doko he mukau no?
kuchibiru ni itoshisa o kanjiru tabi ni
shinjiteta kimi ga iru koto...
hakanaku maichiru yuki o miteita
saigo no keshiki ha shiroku setsunakute...
koueta yubisaki nido to kimi ha todokeba
futari no ashi ato nokorazu kieteku...
I've started to get addicted to RO and Stepmania (:
Stepmania is fun; but I can't get beyond Light Mode, to be exact Light Mode Sakura, a 5 Footer. But I can't beat Paranoia Survivor Max light mode either, and it's also a 5 Footer. Oh well, I'll continue training to be better at Stepmania *Then I get my dance pad to work on legs after my hands XD* Stepmania is a DDR Com. Simulator btw.
RO... I'm a lv.70 Assassin! (: My bro's a lv.67 Swordie who's stuck in a wall in Payon. Oh well, I'll have to look for the aeRO GM. ): I've Gwinny, my bro's Swordie, Mera, my Assassin (Mera's a girl's name! argh, what a bad choice of names.), Demel, my mage-to-be (Hey, the class changer wasn't around then, so...) and Roan-Chan, my sacrificial pet who is also stuck in that wall in Payon. I'm deleting Roan-Chan soon, btw.
Playing aeRO, anyone plays that too? Rates 30/30/30, so it's not too overpowered compared to *COUGHCOUGHTANJUNYISSERVERCOUGHCOUGHCOUGH* with rates of *COUGHCOUGHCOUGH700/700/750COUGHCOUGHCOUGH*.
Whee, school's over! I hope I can enjoy my time with Mera. Oh well, 2 out of 52 weeks of happiness, (:
Lit: Not gonna do well. Hopefully B4, realistically C5.
Eng: B3, I guess
Chi: Hopefully B4 or so.
Hist: Not doing well, but my assignments from term 3 should bring me up a bit. B3 or so.
Geog: I think I can do well. But are you sure it's Kalahari? A2 or so.
CS: Not tested yet. Besides, not counted in final exams.
Jap: I just hope I beat ZQ to take first place, and beat Michael for fun. A1 at worst.
Lsc: Meh, I no gonna do well. B4 desu.
Psc: Maybe better. B3 desuka?
Art: Whoope, I think I can get B3 at least. (:
Math: I think I can do well, B3-A2?
Averagely B3? I hope I get averagely A2. (: or not):
Sunday, October 10, 2004
Melissa seems so boring without a cause now. Up to now, letting Melissa have a cousin to be proud of was my main motivation. After all, she's the first girl I'd want to see happy. Then there's maybe Ke Xin, and Yvonne, but I haven't seen Ke Xin since June (that, and I only manage to see her about 5-6 times a year), and I haven't seen Yvonne since Chinese New Year during P5. Then maybe Sheryl, but I don't know her well enough. *sigh* I don't think I'll be seeing Yvonne ever again, I see Ke Xin so rarely (and I don't even speak much to her), and Melissa only comes around for 2 weeks in the year.
Oh well. Godwin got aeRO working (I'm thankful that I've a bro who has common sense and humour sense.) so both of us are on it! Yay, he's got a 52/39 Swordie and I've a 56/41 Thief (Called Mera, ooh the irony XD), and soon I'm gonna make a wizard called Demel. Should've called my thief Reizz instead of Mera, since Mera would prefer to be a priestess.
ISO's coming along fine, and Jarrel showed my Lee Hao Yi's com programs. Turmites and Tanks were really cool (: Lee Hao Yi's a com genius for a Sec 3.
Yesterday, headed to Grandparent's. When coming down, I was alone in the elevator with some maid with a dog. It was so funny that the dog ran away the moment the door was open XD Am I THAT scary? I hope not. The maid was wondering why the dog went so fast. XD
Oh well, 2 more months to personal time with my cousins, the only time I truly cherish. And after that, it'll be school again! And another year before meeting Mel. *sigh* If only I could see her more often.
Friday, October 08, 2004
Great interpretions to not-so-great poems.
1,2, Buckle my shoes.
3,4, Knock on the door.
5,6, Pick up sticks.
7,8, Lay 'em straight.
9,10, A big fat hen.
Watashi: What is the poem about?
Jarrel Seah: This poem alludes to the military as it goes 1,2,3,4, which is the army beat and is very steady. Let me explain each line.
"Buckle my shoes" is referring to getting ready for war,
"Knock on the door" is formal, just like a declaration of war,
"Pick up sticks" refers to arming oneself for battle,
"Lay 'em straight" means to lay the corpses straight for casualty counts.
"A big fat hen" is a metaphor for the rewards of war.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Could not put Humpty Dumpty together again.
Watashi: What is the poem talking about?
Jarrel: In this poem, Humpty Dumpty is an extended metaphor to one's opportunities. If a person leaves his opportunities on the wall, an extended metaphor to one's efforts and works, it will fall and disappear. By then, no one, not even the best and highest, can get you that opportunity ever again.
o_O ^--- Stuff from Jarrel O_o
"So... we finally meet. Now, where does the real you exist?" chaos, Xenosaga.
Friday, October 01, 2004
凍り付いた 月に照らされて
一瞬の彼方で 煌めいた想いが
愛なら 幻にしてみせて
放つ光 空に堕ちる
望むだけの 熱を捧げて
死に逝く星の 生んだ炎が
最期の夢に 灼かれているよ
降り積もる 罪は優しさに
刺は微笑に 変えてゆけるなら
祈りの儚さが 求める切なさが
二人の 出逢った時代を揺らす
嘆き 光 波にのまれ
痛みの中 君は目醒めて
傷つけながら 出来る絆が
孤独を今 描き始める
注ぐ生命 刻む羽根で
君よどうか 僕を包んで
光はまた 空に堕ちる
望むだけの 熱を捧げて
崩れ落ちゆく 過ちの果て
最期の夢を 見続けてるよ...
They touch, although with icy fingertips
Illuminated by the frozen moon
My flawed heart still embraces the night, even as it burns out
That feeling that glittered off in the distance for a split-second - If it's love, I'll try for that vision
The light is freed and falls through the sky, sacrificing its warmth only for hope
The flame that's born of dying starts burns on in this, my final dream
If the sin that falls and covers everything turns to kindness, and if a thorn could become a smile
Like the unheard scream of a flower before it falls
The pain that searches for the fragility of a prayer stirs the period when the two of us met
The grief and the light are swallowed up by the waves, and in the midst of all this pain, you awaken
This bond that could be created because we were hurt is beginning to paint over the loneliness
Pouring my life into this; with whatever wings you have left - I'm begging you, please wrap me up in them
The light again falls though the sky, sacrificing its warmth only for hope
This mistake caves in and comes to an end, and my final dream continues on..
Meteor, T.M. Revolution, Insert Song of Gundam SEED.
Honour's Day
After that, recess and presentation. 1.12, 1.14 and 1.11 went to the Auditorium because there weren't enough seats filled up and we've already done our checkup. Meh, wanted to stay at the CPA. Anyway, Dr. Lee Li Eng and another guest of honour (Who looks strangely like Mr. Daniel Tan) came along. An invited guest is Ronald Susilo (I've played too much KoL...). After that, a whole lot of rewards and me hissing at every prefect I recognized, the thing ended. Justin, Lester and Mattheaus (or Andrew) were standing up because they were goofing around. Released from Audi, told Mr. Daniel Tan about my problem and he went to get a permanent marker for me. Then I rushed to the Boarding School Dining Hall where the receptions were being held and I managed to get my racket signed by Ronald Susilo! A happy teen is me.
Thursday, September 30, 2004
Random Test
Conscious self | Overall self |
![]() | ![]() |
personality tests by
o_O What do YOU guys think? Except Michael because it'll be inaccurate.
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Random Thoughts
Then Darrell whacks himself in the nape.
Then there's this rumour going around that there's something wrong with the small swimming pool as Group C of Fabriz's class is down with fever.
Geez, ACS is getting bad feng shui these days.
Oh well, at least people are helping Russell and Darrell. Nice fellas. I woulda helped Russell if I could fold paper stars, but oh well.
Bible study was absolutely weird. Michael went there, and that made all the difference. Michael Wee has the ability to change every single normal thing wrong some way or another. First the piano, then Superstar (Which is deabatable), then Catholics. Oh well, blame his passion. Mike's too similar to me in some ways; he may very well be a reflection of me.
There was Mike, defending every single accusation by Mr. Johnaton Ng against the Catholics. Both have their valid points, but I think I'll side with Mr. Johnaton Ng on this one for now. I am after all rather biased against the Catholics, especially regarding the Sacrements (Which IIRC is another coined term by the Catholics, like the Baptism of Desire. Meh, even if wrong, don't correct me. I live in my world, you live in yours. Sucks to you if my world doesn't like you.). Meh, going into ramblings now.
So, Mike decided to go after school to the CF Room to look for Mr. Johnaton Ng. Now he has a letter 6 pages long addressed to Mr. Johnaton Ng. I concur with Demel. it's just too long. (I hope you all know who Demel is. If you don't, sucks to you. If you know, don't tell anyone else. He wanted us to keep his identity.)
Anyway, the next bible study will be very interesting. I just hope the insensitive 4 mainstreamers won't be around. They ruined the mood. And Michael did seem to have a rush of emotions then. Dunno why, but I sensed pretty strong energy from him. Oh well, I guess I'm not good at these kinda stuff. I found it interesting how his hands were always trembling, and raised so suddenly. It's passion.
Some food for thought:
Now, the moment people reach 13 (Note: 13 the unlucky number), everyone goes all vulgar, hip, cool and stuff. Now many watch porn, many act all vulgar, many think that socks above 5cm are gay, etc. Is this a natural change? Wait, is that even possible? Guess so. I find it hard to adapt to such a world where everyone has changed and I'm one of the few left on the counter. Yu Min? Went vulgar. Gid? Went semi-vulgar and semi-punk. Jarrel? Immune to changes. (Well, maybe he did, but that's not the point.) Isaac? Went perverted. Kevin? Went perverted. Me? I dunno.
I find it interesting that what used to be something people thought as taboo is now part and parcel of life. Surely teenager life is not like that. Oh well, I'll stay at the checkout counter for a while more.
Meh. I only got 30 1/2 for my Jap Test. Sheryl got 34, ZQ got 39 1/2, and Gideon refuses to tell me his marks. He only told me he got lower than me, and Sheryl said that I beat him by a bit, so I'm assuming 28-30. Then again, Sheryl doesn't know, so I'm assuming he got less than 25. Argh, my test is really bad compared to my usual tests. Which are 40-42/50, which is alot better than 30.5/40. Meh....
Thursday, September 09, 2004
ACS Prefect's Camp
The council (A sec 4 Group. Leader is Clarence Hui) was extremely tough, but the entire council only came around two times: Once for soccer and once to teach us the need for unity in the form of a "game".
The Trans-Council (A sec 3 group. I don't know who's the leader.) was just as tough, and they were with us for the most of it. They led us in cheering for all the sessions, making it very serious. They turn out to be very nice people during Vespers, but that's because it's Vespers: Worshipping God. They went from shouting about how horrendous we were (Day 1) to how we need to maintain our standard (Day 3). Nice chage, if you ask me.
Sec 2 Prefects were very nice to us, dunno why. Maybe because they're our evaluators.
Mr. Ivan Sim led us partially for the cheering sessions on the 2nd and 3rd day, after we were all beaten up and pumping-positioned alot. He sure knew how to make cheering fun, because our standards of cheering suddenly shot up. Also, he does corporal punishment and is a really fun person to be with.
Anyway, on with what happened during the camp, and not just the people.
Day 1: Entered camp, and went to clean classroom which we were sleeping in. After that, went for Chinese Supplementary Lessons until 12 while other Prefectees were in pumping position. Joined 1/2way through cheering to go pushups.
After that, ate lunch and went for team building games *Tiring but fun*. Then, went for cheering session no.2 with Ex-PB (Prefectorial Board) members Instructor Haikel and Instructor Toh. Instructor Haikel has a weird sense of humour and takes 'Knock it down' in a trigger-happy manner. Ended after lots of 'Knock it down's.
After cheering, we headed for dinner. Proceeded for vespers *Really fun and relaxing* and went for night games no.1 *Water guns, SERIOUSLY disorganized*. Proceeded to sleep at 12 after eating a Chinese Herbal Cough Drop or whatever you call it, Thanks to the nice fella who gave some around the people sleeping in 4.10 Samuel.
Day 2: Woke up at 6 and went for PT *Physical Training* at 7. Rhythm Run and Cheering at the same time? Way too tough. We ended up with lots of scoldings, lots of push-up positions and lots of squats. Breakfast was really good, considering how much we longed for it while in pushup position. After that was a talk with the council *Not trans-council* and we had a game.
The game: Everyone was in a line -------------------- and in pushup position. Three people at the end of the line ran to the IAN *Start of the line was at the bus bay* and back to the start of the line into pushup position. After people ran off, we moved while in pushup position *IOW no recovery* to the end of the line to make space at the start. In the end, the entire game took 11 1/2 minutes total.
Cheering session again, so tough. My voice would've been completely gone if not for that Chinese Herbal Cough Drop and lots of water. I suddenly appreciate water coolers alot. Lunch was pretty nice, after cheering. Then again, it's after cheering, so it SHOULD be nice. After that was a soccer game for 3 hours. Council Member Russell (Or Instructor Russell) came in halfway and made everyone go into pushup position for not cheering well. And that was in the middle of my group's game against Henry's group. Highlights were the game between the Prefectee's 7 best and the Council. After that, went for Cheering session no.2 with Mr. Ivan Sim. Was fun, especially during the 36-in-a-row cheers between the middle staircase (Echo) and the flagpoles (Call) at the ampitheatre. The trans-council commended our determination and courage. Then, DINNER!!! ^_^
After Dinner, we had another vespers, and the 2nd night games. We were supposed to get clues from prefects by guessing whether they were predators or aliens (The theme of the 2nd nightgames was AvP and The Village.), then finding the locations stated in the clue to get lightsticks. After that, find the key-holder, trade the lightsticks for the key, and find a door and win the game. Mr.Francis Soo went around being the chocolate-bearer who gave chocolates to people who could answer this riddle of his.
If we guessed wrongly whether the prefects were aliens or predators, we had to do a forfeit. The forfeits were weird, from listening to a story and answering a question, all while in pushup position; to singing songs for 2 minutes to entertain prefects (I ended up being a sheep for the song Baa Baa Black Sheep), and running around at random. Ended up my group got 2 lightsticks out of a total of 10, with the highest group (Group 10) getting 5. We had 5 clues in total, and I'm not sure how many clues Group 10 got. Oh well. Headed for sleep after taking Strepsils (I love Group 8, and it's not just because I'm in Group 8. It's because of Chinese Herbal Cough Drops and Strepsils. XD)
3rd Day: Woke up for PT, but my legs were in too much pain so I had to sit out of it. The prefectees were doing things like run-cheers (People in Side A and Side B. Some people run to side B to cheer, then some people run to side A to cheer. Rinse and Repeat.). Then they did some slow running, and quite some pushups. We cheered with them, but I doubt they could hear us. After PT was breakfast (I felt bad because I didn't take part in PT, so it was a guilty breakfast kinda.) . We ate fries and sausages, the best breakfast ever during camp (Then again, there's only one other breakfast we ate during camp, so it doesn't say alot.).
After that B-R-E-A-K
Went to the T-R-A-C-K
Gonna cheer at the track, get our voices hoarse,
Else get pumping all the more.
At the track, I saw Jun Yi while we were cheering. We did so horrendously that the Trans-Council walked away in disappointment. Instructor Toh and Instructor Russell took over and gave us 5 minutes to discuss how to cheer better. After that, we tried gradual distance cheering (Get slightly further with each cheer), starting from the center of the rugby field, and we eventually screwed up when everyone was at the 4 corners of the rugby field. Instructor Haikel made us go into pumping position. After a while more of trying to cheer from the 4 corners, Instructor Haikel and Instructor Toh had to leave and decided to end their prefect camp helping with a Yam-Seng.
The Trans-Council came back while we were Yam-Senging and told us to go to the ampitheatre, since we did our 36 cheers there. There, two other JC Ex-PB members took over. We split up into our groups, went around parts of the school and cheered from there. The furthest group from us *Basement area directly below 1.13/1.14 staircase* was at the Green Level Central Staircase *Where the elevator is*. We cheered hard but it was not satisfactory to the Instructors. So, Mr. Ivan Sim took over. After lots of cheering and a few water parades, we ended by cheering Fight! 8 times and Thunderation 16 times. It was truly fun (:
Then, we ate lunch, the best we ever had during the camp (There's 3 lunches this time, so it says a bit more.). This was the only time I wanted seconds XD. After that, we had debriefing at the Lecture Theater (Also where we had Vespers and Night Games Briefing). Group 10 was given the Award *It actually looks quite nice, except that the words were written by marker lol*. Besides that, Mr. Ivan Sim received the
There was a boy. His name was Joe.
Joe. He had a stubbed toe.
He lived on a hill.
And he had a girl. Her name was Jill.
*Some other random stuff, ended up with the Instructors shouting HIT IT! THUNDERATION! and we cheered.*
Then we headed to the space frame to do 10 squats and shouted 'Hip Hip Hurray' for the prefects. Overall, tough but fun (:
"Without passion there is no life, without compassion there is no learning." some book Mr. Francis Soo read long ago.
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
ACS Cheers
Wailo! Wailo! Wailo! Wailo! Wailo! Wailo! X2
Everywhere we go! X2
People want to know/kay poh! X2
Who we are! X2
Where we come from! X2
So we tell them! X2
We come from ACS! X2
Mighty, mighty ACS! X2
One and only ACS! X2
Wailo! Wailo! Wailo! Wailo! Wailo! Wailo! X2
AC Kemak Kemak:
AC Kemak-mak! (Ole Ole Ah Ah!) X2
Shake it up! (Yeah!) x2
Chinese Cheer:
Ying Hua Ying Hua Di Yi Ming! X2
Ying Hua Ying Hua Yang Yang Xing! X2
Di Yi Ming! X2
Yang Yang Xing! X2
Ying Hua Ying Hua Moh Tak Ting! X2
AC Dynamite:
TNT! Dynamite! X3
AC Dynamite, don’t mess with dynamite! *3 claps* X3
Car Wash:
A! C! S~S!AC AC S~S!
North! South! East, West!
North, South, East, West, who’s the best?
AC, AC, it’s the best!
*11 claps* AC! X3
Brave and Bold:
You don’t know what you’ve been told! X2
ACS is brave and bold! X2
Fight our way until the top! X2
ACS will never stop! X2
For the best is yet to be! X2
We will win; just wait and see! X2
Sound of 1, 2!
Sound of 3, 4!
Break it up! 1, 2, 3, 4,
1, 2, AC!
We’re gonna F-I-G-H-T!
We’re gonna S-C-O-R-E!
We’re gonna fight, score, and win today!
AC, AC, all the way! *repeat*
Thunderation! We’re from ACS!
Dedication! When we fight with!
Determination! We create a!
ACS Will Rock You *Partially to the tune of We Will Rock You. SURPRISE!*
We will, we will, Rock you!
ACS will rock you!
ACS is walking down the street! X2
Left, right, left, right, to the beat! X2
We look cool and we look hip! X2
We've got a spirit that you can't beat! X2
Sound of! (One, two!)
Sound of! (Three, four!)
Break it up! One, two, three, four,
One, two, A, C! Because
We will, we will rock you!
ACS will rock you!!!
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
Then, during Geography, part of it was used up for taking a look at the Atlas (Supplied by Jeremy. Kong) And we found out that 0 degrees longitude and 0 degrees latitude (0,0) is somewhere off the African Coast of Cameroon. o_O Talk about useless information.
During Literature, we were filming so as to try and give a gift to Mr.Singh and Mr.Daniel Tan (We love you! Agape way of course) so Kev, Shaun, Sammy & I sang Anti-ACS Songs. It was fun (:. Then we sang All Stars, and Joshua was complaining that we should have sung He (not she) will be loved, and sing about Gideon. Lol, Josh has a sense of humour.
Teacher's Day Celebrations was quite boring. The 118 Prize-giving session took up a whole 45 minutes, but it was really cool how Lee Hao Yi (if you don't know, he's Lee Hsien Loong's son) managed to raise 5k for his 118 card when the target was 1k, but that's beside the point. It's even more cool how parents have donated 600k to 118, and so our total went from 900k to 1.5 mil, when we wanted to raise 1.18 mil. Whee, go ACSI~ *Patriotism, unlike the songs below, though they are really funny too, but STRICTLY PARODIES!*
*Bleh, dislike RI, now Jotham calls himself a gay and Yu Min's ultra-vulgar. Dunno about Brandon and Chuan Yaw, but Nicky and ChanKY have no changes I see. Good for them (:*
Life's suddenly come to a standstill as a holiday comes around. With terrorism comes trouble, with trouble comes war, with war comes peace, with peace comes freedom, with freedom comes boredom, with boredom comes curiosity, with curiosity comes dead cats, with dead cats comes sadism, with sadism comes hate, with hate comes the dark side, with the dark side comes terrorism... o_O
Anti-ACS Songs
*By Kevin Low, Samuel Ng and Watashi*
You can take a little trip around ACS (I)With the ACS GE Class,
To see Dr.Ong and Tan See Keng,
The Senior Admin. And, all of us!
Because in ACS, ACS,
The walks are big and wide, you’ll find
Because in ACS, ACS,
You find 118 on all our minds.
Let’s go down the classroom side,
It’s an unforgettable sight,
To see the students all sleeping,
And the teachers - not too bright.
Because in ACS, ACS,
They even take the teacher’s cash
Because in ACS, ACS,
It’s Dr.Ong we want to bash.
The campus is rising
All the way to the sky,
And ACS is expanding
As 118 goes by.
Because in ACS, ACS,
Our pocket money’s less and less,
Because in ACS, ACS,
You’ll find 118 saps all our cash.
Because in ACS, ACS,
You’ll find our wallets big and wide,
Because in ACS, ACS,
With 118, you cannot hide.
*By Kevin Low, Shaun Lee and Watashi*
Remember the days, we set out together to raise?
Remember the times, so fine, when we thought that
Nothing could stand in our way?
Then things weren't the same, the life that we knew had to change
We've struggled through the darkest Ongs
We thought we couldn't pay
Together we've tried, as we stood side by side
I knew we'd build a new school
A school of cash for ever after.
Deep in my bank I just know,
Right from the start, it will go.
Look where we are, we've paid our cards
And there's still a long, long way to go.
With all of my cards, I will spend
I'll pay my part, I will share
With teachers and friends, together we'll stand
And in the end, cash in hand
We will get them…
So now we begin, working together to win
Believing in cash, it must
Be possible to overprice anything.
There's so much to do, there's so much we must contribute
By sharing just a little cash
We will start again anew
So why don't we try? If we stand side by side
I know we'll build a new school
A school of cash forever after.
Deep in my bank I just know,
Right from the start, it will go.
Look where we are, we've paid our cards
And there's still a long, long way to go.
With all of my cards, I will share
I'll pay my part, I will share
With teachers and friends, together we'll stand
And in the end, cash in hand
We will get them…
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Layout Change
Today, Mdm. Eu made us make advertisments, my group did the school tie. The other group did hair gel. In the end, they came up with an advertisment for Testi Hair Gel and we came up with an adversitment for the School Tie Toilet Paper. Good thing I wasn't in it, it's seriously real sad. During recess, Kevin Low (In the group I was in) and I came up with a hair gel advertisment, which was really quite funny.
"Ever had a bad hair day? Ever had too many close shaves? Ever came out of the shower thinking 'Darn, my hair's gone down'? Well, that always happens with normal hair gel and wax. But now, there's a new special hair gel on the markey that will guarantee your hair standing up after 240 hours at least! That's right; not 24 hours, but 240 hours at least!
Introducing... The... Concrete Hair Gel! *Oos and Aahs*
Made from 90% cement, this hair gel will guarantee your hair standing up even after water, shampoo, hair fuzzying, strong winds, and even acid rain! Yes, it's just that good! Now only at $29.99. That's right, just $29.99. *Cheering*
*You give us cold, hard cash, we give you cold, hard hair.*"
Mdm. Eu whacked her head in agony and lameness at the last statement, guess why.
Whee! I got my math test back! *Though it's not the big math test yet, but every small step counts; and these small steps could really save me should I do badly on the real test.*
Anyways, I got 17 1/2! That's better than Jarrel (Who got 17) and Gideon (Who got 13 or 14). But that's not the point. The point is that I got 17 1/2 upon 20, and that means a score of 87.5 over 100! That's not too bad, if you ask me.
There were, of course, people who beat me. Shaun, for example, got 20, the genius that he was.
Whee, my brother just found some random cartoon themes and goes on playing it every now and then. Now I can't get the tune for 'Animaniacs' out of my head (Not that I mind, it's nice and catchy), and I can't get the tune for lots of other songs out of my head. Examples: Thundercats, Batman 70s Theme, Hercules: The Legendary Adventures (No song, just background music and a narrator speaking), Spiderman 70s Theme, Chip & Dale, Darkwing Ducks, Mummies Alive, The Chipmunks, and one or two others I can't remember. Ooh, the zanity...
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Blog Reviews
Note: Order of updatedness is as follows (descending order)
Usually Updated
Generally Updated
Occasionally Updated
Rarely Updated
Never Updated
Decent Blogs:
Eka's Blog (
This blog is real nice. Design, layout, everything's neato, except for the hate going on at the tagboard. Even has a cute guessing game :)
Usually Updated.
Gideon's Blog (
This blog is quite good. It follows the template, so that's a slight downside as it'll look like the blogs of others (Mine, for example.) Apart from that, I can't exactly pinpoint at any other problem there is, except maybe the lack of intelligence in his blogging. Also, no tagboard. Bad Gideon.
Generally Updated.
Zhang Quan's Blog (
Nice blog. It uses a template too, but at least he uses a different template from the rest of the GEPers. Tagboard, coherent speech, intelligent language, this blog is a decent blog. Just try and get Peter to cut out all those Dr.Ong talk, please?
Usually Updated.
Michael's Blog (
It's a livejournal blog, so that automatically brings the happiness guage down. No tagboard, no frames, just a bunch of text in the middle and links at the top. Bad Michael, use blogspot next time.
Generally Updated.
Shaun's Blog (
Nice javascripts, tagboard, visitor sitemeter, this blog's fine, except that it's pure white and I'm anti-PAP (nah, just joking. We all love Goh and Lee, right? *Brandishes sword*) .
Generally Updated.
Sheryl's Blog (
Nice blog, except that all the links and the tagboard are very hard to access as the scroll bar is invisible. Other than that, great blog!
Generally Updated.
Andy's Blog (
Amazingly nice. It's mostly a program, and that's real cool. However, it's been created only one or two days ago so I cannot judge anything else.
NA Because not updated yet
Jotham's Blog (
Whee! I love KH too. Tagboard, links, the usual. And javascript lets you see the time! Really nice at first, but the clock gets annoying after a while. Put it somewhere, not following you, Jotham.
Occasionally Updated.
Ellius' Blog (
Has a long history, tagboards, and links, but sadly, hasn't updated in a long time.
Rarely Updated.
Not-so-good blogs
Daniel's Blog (
Geez, all this has is a tagboard! This is bad!
Never Updated.
Brandon's Blog (
...this is even worse -_-"
Never Updated.
Comments? Unhappy with my comments? Post it here!